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  1. H

    New Year, new cycle..would love your guys input.

    Hope everyone has a good 2018. Im asking for a little advice for my future cycle.. Ive done 2 cycles so far, i've done 2 cycles so far in my lifetime, 1st was a test e only cycle, 2nd was a test/e, tren ace cycle. Please keep in mind i do understand that doing tren my second cycle was a...
  2. H

    Diet and Nutrition basics 101

    damn, great article man
  3. H

    New to forum! hello everyone.

    ha thanks! honestly not sure. When i use the bodyfat hand thing at la fitness it says 15% one day, then 17% the next.. haha definitely dont have abs. I see the outlines, but nothing showoff worthy.. haha. Do you advise on training abs daily? ive heard that if wanting to compete, dont train abs...
  4. H

    New to forum! hello everyone.

    New to forums so please bear with me Age: 26 Height: 6'3 Weight: 245 Training history: i've been training since 17 but serious about bodybuilding since senior year of highschool. To be honest: I come from ASF (anabolicsteroidforum). Ive heard way to many good things about this site, and i'm...
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