Hope everyone has a good 2018.
Im asking for a little advice for my future cycle..
Ive done 2 cycles so far, i've done 2 cycles so far in my lifetime, 1st was a test e only cycle, 2nd was a test/e, tren ace cycle.
Please keep in mind i do understand that doing tren my second cycle was a...
ha thanks! honestly not sure. When i use the bodyfat hand thing at la fitness it says 15% one day, then 17% the next.. haha definitely dont have abs. I see the outlines, but nothing showoff worthy.. haha.
Do you advise on training abs daily? ive heard that if wanting to compete, dont train abs...
New to forums so please bear with me
Age: 26
Height: 6'3
Weight: 245
Training history: i've been training since 17 but serious about bodybuilding since senior year of highschool.
To be honest: I come from ASF (anabolicsteroidforum). Ive heard way to many good things about this site, and i'm...