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  1. I

    Help with pct

    Hello , the mk2866 & gw is there any alternatives dont really want to b ordering them from over seas to thailand even thou can buy test & other steds from the chemist they r still illegal over here so iv got to watch it cheers for the help ✌
  2. I

    Help with pct

    If i cant hold of the other stuff thats been menthioned am alright with jus nolvodex and clomid ? Il know better for nxt time ✌✌
  3. I

    Help with pct

    Yeah u right should of planned thought it would b simple take nolvodex and clomid im in south east asia so il have to see if can get the other things u recomended thanx for the reply .
  4. I

    Help with pct

    Hello , Im 35 just done my 1st cycle of enanthate test 250mg evry 7days for 12weeks im prepering for a pct i have got novoldex d and clomid im just unsure on how much to take and when i exactly start my pct is 2 weeks after my 12 full weeks ?? Any help would be gratefull cheers ✌
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