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  1. M

    SARMs for ligament/tendon repair

    Have you had any tendon problems in the past its helped with? Awesome, thanks guys - really appreciate the advice. Dylan, i assume shipping the POST CT product to Australia is no problem?
  2. M

    SARMs for ligament/tendon repair

    ahh nice, i was considering mk677 anyway after watching one of your vid's last night. cheers bro
  3. M

    SARMs for ligament/tendon repair

    Hey all Currently running a standard LGD/S4 SARM's stack. 3 weeks in a seeing some good strength gains so definitely looking forward to the result at the end of the cycle. Question i have is i ruptured my Achilles tendon about 15 months ago playing squash. I have done the rehab etc but would...
  4. M

    1x sarm for lean bulk

    thanks bro, will have a go. i suppose if it gets through i win if not, i try again.
  5. M

    1x sarm for lean bulk

    I should probably have mentioned i am running a pretty standard cycle. 1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg in the a.m. 1-12 S4 50 mg day split doses 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m. i think Clomid is prescription in Aus, anyone has any issues ordering from overseas?
  6. M

    1x sarm for lean bulk

    Hey Dylan I am on my first LGD/S4 cycle (3 weeks in - loving it so far) and will be following your advice on PCT - however, Clomid, finding it hard to obtain in Australia for some reason. Any alternates? Love the Youtube channel - keep it up! Cheers bro.
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