Ignore the last post I found the correct stuff on UmbrellaLabs. Just skipped over it the first time looking.
Question about tesamorelin. So am I reading the dosage correctly as 2milgrams a day? I’ve been reading up on reconstituteIng and how to math out the correct dosage after combined. And...
Also would something like this be okay to use to inject the peptides? I haven’t ever done injections or have any experience with peptides so I wanted to make sure I was getting the right stuff...
1st thank you so much. This is more helpful and informative than anything I’ve been able to find. You’re the man.
2nd very interesting about Chemyo makes me wonder if that first stack really did anything for me or if it was all in my mind! I appreciate you sending me some actual good sites...
Also I don’t know how to edit messages or I would just add this onto the original. I got my first stack from Chemyo. Was a recommendation from a friend who had run a couple cycles. But I see Dylan preferring 2 different sites to get them. Is Chemyo a no-go or just not as good as the other two
Hey everyone, I’m a first time poster here but I’ve used this site for awhile to get ideas and tips on SARMS. Just wanted to say so many fucking awesome post on here and you guys have helped me out a ton! I was looking around for some information (Online and Here in threads) and I’m reading a...