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  1. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Thanks bro, it’s a shitter for sure. Feels like 10 years of happy times was for absolutely nothing with the current situation. So glad my current partner isn’t like this at all with her ex and their kids. I couldn’t go through it again with my son(s) (we are expecting another little lad) 🙂
  2. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Combination of bug and night work, put me on my ass back end of lastweek and I didn’t get in gym til yday. Have stuck with my 2200 kcal regardless, and weighed in today at 184.5lb, visually starting to see a noticeable difference in my physique and very pleased with progress. Will post progress...
  3. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Weights are in kg as UK forgot to mention
  4. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Log 04/11/2022 (Push + Cardio) Bench Press 5 x 175 3 x 200 2 x 220 Cardio 4 x 45 sec on / 15 sec off Ski Erg + Battle Rope + Sled Sprint + Tyre Flips Log 05/11/2022 (Cardio) 5.5 mile walk with son in baby carrier 1 3/4 hours. Log 06/11/2022 (Pull) Indoor cycle LISS, 6.6 miles @ 30...
  5. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Sorry for lack of updates, had a bad week mentally with the conclusion to 2 years of worth visitation hearings re. my daughter going absolutely nowhere. Have kept training consistent, which has definitely helped in spirally downwards as I have previously. I’ll give an abridged version of...
  6. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Thanks very much for the input, I’ll be sure to mix things up going forward. Will make a point using for whole foods, just utilise what powder I have PWO in future, thanks for input. Log for yday, has a one pot chilli I like to make. Pictured ingredients are for a whole crockpot. But calorie...
  7. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Bit late but ydays log Log - 25/10/2022 (Cardio) Cardio Indoor cycle, lower intensity today, 10 miles @ 50 minutes (12mph) getting the blood flowing to the legs after strength work yday. Food wise Overnight protein oats for breakfast One pot steak chilli with lentils and potatoes for lunch...
  8. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Do you mean more detailed breakdown of macros by meal, and times etc brother? Not following meal plan as such, will generally cook a big pot of protein in slow cooker beginning of week then weigh and portion off into supperware, making up meals as I go. Shakes and skyr yoghurt to make up...
  9. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Log - 24/10/2022 (Lower + Cardio) Squat 1 x 3 x 210lb 1 x 3 x 240lb 1 x 9 x 265lb 5 x 10 x 155lb 3rd set was AMRAP, felt really good. Playing the percentages game this would be a post vasectomy PB. Remember squat and deadlift is where S4 shone last cycle, hopefully be back at pre snip...
  10. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Log - 23/10/2022 (Upper) Bench Press 1 x 5 x 147.5 1 x 5 x 175lb 1 x 5 x 200lb 5 x 10 x 115lb 3rd set was AMRAP, probably had another 1 or 2 in the tank, but gym was dead and no one to spot. Back off sets at 50% of TM, supersetted with DB rows below. One Arm Dumbbell Rows 4 x 8 x 70lb...
  11. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Will be sure to boost cardio gents, any suggestions on intensity of should I just mix it up? Log wise, 1st day of working nights, so today has been about getting plenty of sleep and spending time with my son. Meals wise, Overnight protein oats Small orange 3 whole scrambled eggs 2...
  12. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Also progress pictures. Will get back and leg shots but was feeling self conscious in current condition, knowing anyone could burst into the mirrored room at the gym. Just gives me more motivation to sort out the dad bod though.
  13. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Log - 21/10/2022 Cardio today, interval work incorporating a kettlebell movement, followed by a plyo / bodyweight movement, 45 seconds on 15 off, 30 minutes of this including a short warm up. Followed this up with a 5 mile indoor bike ride keeping pace around 15 mph. For first time on a bike in...
  14. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Thanks putting your eyes over this guys. Weighed in this morning at 189lb, so down 5lb from Monday. More than likely mostly water from cleaning diet up, but heading in the right direction. I’ll be sure to get initial photo(s) up today, when I get to gym.
  15. C

    Original SARMS triple stack log

    Going to be running SARMS stack of Andarine, Ostarine, Cardarine for minimum of 10 weeks @ 50 / 25 / 20 respectively. Will be a cutting cycle as I’ve let myself go after vacation and vasectomy putting brakes on my training and eating. Stats (17.10.22) - 38y / 194lb / 5’10” / 34” waist SBD 1rm...
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