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  1. Steve Dallas

    Holly holm on roids you decide ?

    Is it me or is that hot ?
  2. Steve Dallas

    Aromasin, arimidex

    Exactly, can be a bitch to dial in and blood test results in my experience take a little longer for estrogen.
  3. Steve Dallas

    Hipo Norma bloodwork

    Two weeks on Norma E blood test back ....testosterone at 1956. I'd say pretty good . Thanks Hipo
  4. Steve Dallas


    I had to donate 3 pints in less than one month to come back in range. Will this always be the case or does it calm down into a maintenance thing ? Just did a double Red blood cell yesterday.
  5. Steve Dallas


    Anybody else have problems with red blood cells getting to high. Even on a TRT dose if I don't donate blood I get high RBC.
  6. Steve Dallas

    HCG Anyone?

    I got it from Hippo .
  7. Steve Dallas

    My local Dumbass.

    Gyms attract a fair number of freaks. Gotta admit I love a good freak show.
  8. Steve Dallas

    Charlie Sheen HIV+???

    This is why I always clean the top of my 10 ml with two alcohol pads. LOL
  9. Steve Dallas

    Coming over from evo

    Was at EVO and didn't realize and still don't what's going on. I'm in so let's get it done.
  10. Steve Dallas

    Why to buy at

    I agree. I'm not expecting a outrageous test number but am interested.
  11. Steve Dallas

    Favorite place to pin??

    I vote quads. Very comfortable position although I occasionally get the dreaded muscle spasms when the pin is in . Fuckin hate that😡😡😡😡
  12. Steve Dallas

    Why to buy at

    Bought a bunch of Test E amps and some HCG from Hippo two months back. I have done two amps of the Test E the last two weeks. Last amp was Monday morning very smooth no pip. Went for bloods today. I know should have waited till Thursday but that's turkey day. Will post results. Just trying a TRT...
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