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  1. S

    Critique my cycle

    I've never used s4 before. I'll do some research and factor it into the cycle. Thanks for the advice brother! Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk
  2. S

    Critique my cycle

    Thanks bro, Exactly why I like tren ace. Much easier to control and clear if need be. Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk
  3. S

    Critique my cycle

    Starting adrol with the tren ace. Getting the test in my system before I start the tren ace. Don't want to start the short ester tren with the test e and have my test crash while waiting on the long ester of test to kick in. Why not run long ester tren? I'd like to be able to drop off the tren...
  4. S

    Great Scientific Study of Test-e

    Good read, Thanks for the share.. 'Supra... that's like a whole nother level above Super!' Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk
  5. S

    Critique my cycle

    Right on! Main goal is to pack on quality clean size. I chose these compounds because I know my body responds well to them. But I am up for suggestions! Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk
  6. S

    Critique my cycle

    Thanks for the feedback bro. I'll switch out adex for aromasin. I'm new to sarm usage. I've watch your videos, but have yet to try them out. I'll get my hands on mk and gw. I know I'll run the gw the full cycle, would I also run the mk full cycle as well? Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk
  7. S

    Cycle Log Pharmacon

    If you're looking to compete I would stick with the tbol or sub the dbol with anadrol. With dbol you'll gain weight, but that's what most of the gains are, weight, water weight. You'll lose most of those water weight gains and it will fuck with you mentally. You'll get great clean gains with a...
  8. S

    Critique my cycle

    I have letro on hand. I'm not very prone to estrogen conversion sides so Adex has always been gtg. On the same note the extra layer of protection never hurts. Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk
  9. S

    Critique my cycle

    Been outlining my next cycle with compounds I've had great results with in the past. Basically going for a clean bulk/recomp cycle. Experimenting with some new compound timings. (See attachment) Check it out. Give me somefeed back. Structural criticism is excepted and appreciated! P.s. Stats...
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    Cycle Log Pharmacon

    Damn, 200k calories above maintenance.. You eat more than a full grown lion.. lmao Welcome to the forum bro. I'm assuming this isn't your first cycle?
  11. S

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to the forum bro!
  12. S

    Platinum Biotech Website Pharma Lady

    Great looking products. Going to have to give them I try in the future. Thanks for the post!
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    Agreed, everyone's body reacts differently to compounds. I always had great results kickstarting a cycle with dbol or adrol. I will have to do a lot more research into it and experiment myself.
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    450-500mg test a week is all you need. Any more and you'll convert more estrogen and retain more water. I've heard of people hitting abombs on the back end of cycles but I have no experience in this. I would suggest kickstarting your blast with abombs the first 4-5 weeks since both deca and eq...
  15. S

    New member Introduction

    Thanks brother! Trust me, you've helped me a ton already over the past few years! Keep it up! Your Human science rather than Bro science approach is the knowledge that needs to be absorbed and retained. Stay passionate bro!
  16. S

    New member Introduction

    Thank you, sir. Placed in Division D, 9 other competitors in my division. Was an awesome and addicting experience. Lol I'm wanting to pack on as much clean size for the rest of the year and change over to Classic Physique around the 2nd quarter 2018. Classic posing is much more involved and fun.
  17. S

    New member Introduction

    Hello all, I am new to the forum and wanted to introduce myself for my first post. Been reading through this forum for the past 2 weeks and really like the information, honesty and bluntness. Tell it like it is mentality. That how I am and how I expect to receive it. Been watching Dylan Gemelli...
  18. S

    Age: 30 Height: 5' 11" Weight: 190 Body fat%: 10% Training for the past 10 years. Just competed...

    Age: 30 Height: 5' 11" Weight: 190 Body fat%: 10% Training for the past 10 years. Just competed in my first local npc competition in men's physique novice and open divisions, placing 3rd in novice and 5th in open. Looking to pursue competing, body building and over all health for the future...
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