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  1. T

    Is Caber Needed For Low Dose Deca / any 19nor?

    I already take a B vitamin mix daily (Now Foods, B-100), and it has 100mg of Vitamin B-6 (from Pyridoxine HCl) - will that do it?
  2. T

    Cycle Advice: Test, Deca, Tbol

    I had my 2nd spinal surgery 2.5 years ago, and got extremely fat at 220lbs zero muscle. so I've been mostly cutting since Jan 2017, but I've been lifting the entire time. this is the last bit of fat around my trunk and man boobs that I'm shredding, before I switch to bulking. I would never...
  3. T

    Cycle Advice: Test, Deca, Tbol

    6'1.5 to be exact - but ya, I'm quite lanky, long limbs. one of those frames that people often think I'm 6'4. I'm currently on TRT, eating at a deficit anyhow - thinking I'm a few weeks away from 7%. I guess I could save the gear for when I start eating at surplus. anyhow, so you're basically...
  4. T

    Cycle Advice: Test, Deca, Tbol

    6'2, 175lbs. 7% is just a goal I set for myself in 2018. Why not 7%? I realize I don't need anything to lose fat, but I also know that these compounds can be used for cutting/recomp, plus the added endurance, joint relief and tendon support.
  5. T

    Cycle Advice: Test, Deca, Tbol

    2nd cycle here. I'm currently around 10% bf, aiming to shred down to 7%, then bulk. So this cycle is kind of a shred then mini lean bulk. my primary goal is to get silly shredded, but in 2019 I'd like to add a good 10-15lbs of muscle. I've been on TRT for 2 years, and done Deca a few times...
  6. T

    Is Caber Needed For Low Dose Deca / any 19nor?

    before I go ahead and start 250mg/week of Deca + 250mg/week of Cypionate, just wanted to quickly ask about the protocol. I've been on TRT for 2 years, so my understanding is that I don't need to do a PCT. my plan is to pin on Monday and Thursday 125mg of Deca and Cypionate - making a total of...
  7. T

    Accidentally 2,089ng/dL on TRT Dose - Overdosed Gear?

    OK, that's somewhat comforting to hear! If you've seen around 1500 variance, then I'm pretty sure that my result is skewed. I completely forgot that I need to do the extraction in the trough. still seems pretty wild to have such variance, but I'll do another test right before my shot next week -...
  8. T

    Accidentally 2,089ng/dL on TRT Dose - Overdosed Gear?

    Would appreciate your insights as to whether it's the gear, or the timing of the shot and extraction.
  9. T

    Accidentally 2,089ng/dL on TRT Dose - Overdosed Gear?

    not discussing my sources. as for the variance in raws - seems pretty drastic, if the same dose of 125mg/ml strength can pull a result of 800 vs 2,089...that's over double the strength. what about the timing of taking the weekly shot at 7am, and then getting the extraction at 9:30am same...
  10. T

    Accidentally 2,089ng/dL on TRT Dose - Overdosed Gear?

    I've been on doctor prescribed TRT for 1.5 years now, and for the past 6-7 months, my dose is a very moderate 125mg/week, pinned every Tuesday. The last time I got blood works was in December, and my T came in around 800ng/dL - which is perfect for me, maybe even a bit high. I live in Asia...
  11. T

    Is Caber Needed For Low Dose Deca / any 19nor?

    yup, I have Caber on hand =) buying 2 more bottles in preparation for a cycle @ 250mg/week.
  12. T

    Is Caber Needed For Low Dose Deca / any 19nor?

    UPDATE: Since mid-December 2017 (3.5 months) I've been pinning Deca 125mg/week + Sustanon 125/week, Aromasin 12.5mg E3D - no Caber. Feeling fantastic, my shoulder pain has significantly reduced from the Deca. Been dropping BF% and gaining some mass, though nothing insane because my focus is...
  13. T

    Is Caber Needed For Low Dose Deca / any 19nor?

    I use a pretty good B Complex, that has B6. how much B6 do I need per day? never heard of it for prolactin, thanks!
  14. T

    Is Caber Needed For Low Dose Deca / any 19nor?

    awesome, thanks! I'm gonna get some blood work done next week, then add 125mg Deca to my TRT for 2 months, then do a blast of 250mg both T and Deca for 3-4 months, then drop the Deca for a few months, back to 125mg T cruise.
  15. T

    Is Caber Needed For Low Dose Deca / any 19nor?

    so in other words, you're saying that I should start with the protocol, and then get blood works again - correct? let's say that I decided to go with 250mg Deca without Caber...when would be the ideal timing to get the blood works to check whether the Deca is affecting my Prolactin? Actually...
  16. T

    Is Caber Needed For Low Dose Deca / any 19nor?

    hi guys, hope you can help me a quick question. In short, I want to do my 2nd cycle of Deca, this time at 250mg/week, along with Sustanon 250mg/week. The last time I did a Deca cycle of 200mg/week, I was taking Caber 0.5mg E3D - but about 5 weeks in, got blood works, and my Prolactin was way...
  17. T

    Compounds For Spinal Fusion Recovery? (Degenerative Disk Disease)

    thanks brother, much appreciate your recommendations. so how soon post-op should I start the SARMS? sorry to hear about your back issues bro. does that mean that you completely avoid doing things like squats, dead lifts etc that put additional load on your back? I think I re-herniated my...
  18. T

    Compounds For Spinal Fusion Recovery? (Degenerative Disk Disease)

    been having sciatica for about 6 weeks, and just got MRI's showing a herniated disk at lumbar L5/S1 due to degenerated disk disease. If I end up doing surgery, this will be my 3rd spinal surgery - and both of the previous ones were pretty rough recoveries. I've been reading up on spinal fusion...
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