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  1. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    A TERRIBLE side effect i forgot to add... I had awful insomnia last night. The only other night I have ever experienced this in my life is when I was delayed in taking my injection by a week about 8 weeks ago mid- cycle. I am officially attributing this to hormone imbalance aka, a...
  2. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    Last day of ester clear update...PCT protocol begins Saturday Tomorrow is my last day, day 14, the test should be completely out of my body and I feel that it is close to gone right now. The aggressiveness in the gym feels more forced for sure, and I'm not near as full. I lost all of the water...
  3. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    Quick question for you Dylan, so I have been reading up on PCT and sarms and right now I am entering into the Esther clearing phase, and I am thinking I want to change a bit of my previously stated protocol and wanted to get your input. Here's what I'm thinking. On day 1 of Esther clear, aka...
  4. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    Day 1 of sarms: So yesterday was my last injection and now over the next two weeks, while my esters clear, I will be throwing in 10 mg of cardarine, 20 mg of ostarine... Today, I took my first dose and I don't know if it's due to the increased sleep I got last night, or if it was the sarms I...
  5. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    Week 12 of 12 (final injection this Friday): Been a great run and about to becoming to an end. I started taking 1,000 IUs a week of HCG starting last week and will continue this week and the 2 weeks after my last injection for the Esther's to clear and then right into PCT. I've put some good...
  6. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    A little update. Completed the first week of 4, 1,000 IUs of HCG per week. Quite the difference from my normal inner muscular injections of test 300. So smooth and simple. I did not weigh myself, but I'm in week 11 of 12 now and I've put on some great size. So, after next week, I will begin...
  7. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    Dylan, once I sent over the proper documentation to sarmsx to remove the hold and confirm my identity with the bank, how long does it take for them to confirm and ship out the purchase. Seems to be taking a little while. Curious if you knew since you said this was common.
  8. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    A lot of calculations went into this, but this is the best way to do it bang for you buck wise: 1 bottle of osta 3 bottles of S-4 (3-pack) 5 bottles of GW (5-pack) My transaction is still pending due to a forced bank verification, but hoping i get it within the next 2 weeks as my Esther's will...
  9. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    Much appreciated Rick. Filled out the hold form yesterday to release my funds to Sarmsx so hoping that goes through asap so it will be on my doorstep just in time to start my Pct.
  10. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    Really appreciate that. Invested many hours into understanding EVERYTHING required and it's great to get this feedback. Excited for the ride and looking to get enough out of this sarm stack to influence myself into incorporating into the next cycle. Thanks for your support and all that you so.
  11. R

    LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)

    Just wrapping up my first cycle as I'm currently on week 9 of 12 using test E 300 at 500 mg per week and I have been logging every detail on another forum, but wanted to log my experience here with sarmsx using it post cycle and into a bridge. A before and after of 9 weeks: Here is my...
  12. R

    Looking for a 2 sarm PCT and bridge stack

    UPDATE & AN URGENT QUESTION (8 weeks into cycle mentioned above and have all of my Sarms the way to use during my PCT and bridge): So, the cycle has gone really well for me so far, as I have gained some good size while keeping my eating very clean. One issue, I missed 1 day of my aromasin...
  13. R

    Looking for a 2 sarm PCT and bridge stack

    This is what I decided to go with (Cardarine and S-4 due to budget) Man oh man, that's quite a hefty investment... Though I am still very interested
  14. R

    Looking for a 2 sarm PCT and bridge stack

    Thank Dylan. Been a long time coming, so my goal for the bridge is honestly to just maintain as much muscle as possible post cycle and into the next cycle. I am looking for 2 sarms for this 12 week bridge. 2 side questions: 1. Do you recommend I do Mk-2866 and gw for the 2 week Esther clear I...
  15. R

    Looking for a 2 sarm PCT and bridge stack

    Been a lurker for years and appreciate all of your videos Dylan. First time posting so I wanted to do it right and give you full background on my question.. Due to a scheduled 2 week cruise in July, cycle start date is: 7/18/17. First time running gear and first time trying the "Real " sarms...
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