The Dbol will be blue and the nolvadex I think an orange or yellow color. If you open the shiny packs each will have little plastic bag inside. I have ordered many from her.
What it boils down to is that SHIT HAPPENS! If it was that easy to do we would all be doing it. Give Phurious a break. Ive got an order out with him too. One email to him asking if i can expect it soon and a quick response from him saying its on its way. From what i have seen and read he has...
I'm going to run keep running test for 4 weeks after I quit the Deca. Then wait 3 weeks before starting PCT. I know Deca has a really long ester, would seven weeks total off deca be long enough to start nolva? I have been using Caber.
Can anyone tell me if you should use Nolvadex after a Deca- cycle? I have heard that it can mess with the prolactine levels so you should leave it out of your PCT. Any info would be great.
Thanks for the great info everyone. Dylan thanks for taking the time to explain in depth. That's why I'm on this forum! I'll plan on 500 ius twice a week for 4 weeks. 4000 ius total. Then start Clomid/ nolva shortly after.
Just got my second order from Pharma lady. She is great. Received the order in 5 days including the weekend. I'm 5 weeks into my cycle of my first order with her. Her gear is top notch. She even throws in extras! Highly recommend her.
Thanks for the reply. I have never ran a hcg. Did a little more searching and I found it should be used at the very end of the cycle before starting pct. Is that correct? Was also wondering about Ovigil itself. Is it recommended or is there another brand that's better or does it really matter as...
Has anyone used the Ovigil HCG injections in conjunction with Clomid and Tamoxifen for post cycle. I haven't seen any mention of it on the forum but have heard descent reviews from other places. Any info would be appreciated.
Thanks again for the help and for watching out for my wallet. Definitely need a price list for Biotech so I can order the Caber. Just let me know if I need to PM you for it. :D
Thanks for the useful info! I usually would run Caber with that, but trying to get Prami. I hear it's cheaper, but I can't seem to find anyone who has it. Any recommendations on what to replace the n2guard with. It is expensive.
Thanks for the welcome! Glad to be on a site that isn't filled...
Hey. Just recently joined the forum. Best one yet! Getting ready to start my fourth cycle and want to be sure of a good post cycle therapy. My cycle is 4 weeks Dbol @ 30mg/day, 15 weeks of Test E 300mg/week and 400mg/week of Deca- durabolin. I'll be taking 12.5mg of Aromasin eod and N2guard...