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  1. O

    Sarms and Intermittment Fasting

    Thank you! So by your experience what is the number of calorie i should eat in a calorie deficit, here's what im doing right now : 185 pounds * 11-12 = so im eating between 2000 and 2250 calorie to have flexibility you know, of course i stay over 120g of proteins per day!! Thanks. Some day i...
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    Sarms and Intermittment Fasting

    I know. I wanted to know the difference stack i could use and if there was a stack that i could use cutting that could also prevent muscle loss
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    Sarms and Intermittment Fasting

    I mentionned cutting and bulking.. but i feel like i might lose muscle so maybe a stack for fat loss and something that prevents muscle loss so maybe a rad with a gw ? What do you think, thanks
  4. O

    Sarms and Intermittment Fasting

    I wanted to know the best stacks (2-3 sarms) while you're on an intermittment fasting diet for cutting and for bulking. I understand sarms wont kick you out of fasting state but im not sure what to use while i fast. Also, do you guys think BCAA will break my fast? Thanks !!
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    Bulking cycle (sarms & peptides)

    I was thinking of a bulk cycle and i want go with Rad 140 Igf lr3 Ipamorelin Cjc dac 1295 What do you guys think ? Im open to any suggestions but i dont wanna go into steroids' Thanks !
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    Best for fat loss

    4 hours in the morning and 1 day a week i fast for 15 hours instead of 12 actually
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    Best for fat loss

    I'm looking to drop some fat, im around 12-13% right now and i was wondering whats the best peptides and/or sarms for fat loss between : - FRAG 176-191 - CJC-1295 - GW-50156 I'm also thinking about doing the famous fasting intermittment during my cycle. Fast for 12 hours per day including...
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    its just a missclick boys, but thanks for the info!!!
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    Im wondering if Melatonan is dangerous for fertility and stuff like that, i only want to use it for the tan effect. I would dose around 25mg is that enough for a 190 pounds man? thanks
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    Sarms for weight gain

    Yes, so, do you think i should run a Rad and mk 677 for weight gain?
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    Sarms for weight gain

    yeah, i watched a lot of your videos but for some reasons i missed this one
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    Sarms for weight gain

    Okay, thanks, i didnt know you made a video on Yk!
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    Sarms for weight gain

    Why? I mean i heard it was good stack with anabolic steroids, but im not rly interested in running any steroids
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    Sarms for weight gain

    I was wondering what was the best stack for weight gain? I heard of a sarms called YK-11that was really good for weight gain, but its not available on Any thoughts on YK and the best stack i should run? Thanks!
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    Stacking N2slin with sarms

    Dont worry, they arent from sarms1, but they are legit.
  16. O

    Stacking N2slin with sarms

    I'm currently on a triple stack of sarms : - Gw 50156 - Rad 140 - Sr 9009 I was wondering if adding n2slin would be beneficial for the fat loss or if it was overkill during my stack. Also, if it was ok since i already started my sarms cycle. Thank you!
  17. O

    SR9009/GW - doses

    Thanks ! But, out of curiosity, do you know why it's better in pre workout?
  18. O

    SR9009/GW - doses

    Hi, i was wondering if it was ok to dose 20mg/day instead of 30mg/day with the SR ,also whats the time between doses. - Is it better to dose gw before my workout or i i heard it was good to split it in half (pre workout and morning). Thanks
  19. O

    Using Rad again

    It was from
  20. O

    Using Rad again

    What kind of pct? Is it too late? Its been almost 2 weeks
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