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  1. H


    Thanks Cbbram! Will do
  2. H


    Anyone have a discount code for blood work??
  3. H


    That’s what I seen, it was on the warning label but not on the ingredients. Was only clarifying thanks guys!
  4. H


    How’s it going guys. I ordered some GW and got a few bottles of Cardazol with it from Esarms. I’d like to give the Cardazol a try however I seen it has ephedrine in it and I am randomly drug tested at my job fairly often.. does this clear a urine analysis?
  5. H

    Axio / Peak TD - cbbram - IWGF

    Just wanted to give an update on my experience ordering with Cbbram & Axio Peak Performance. I asked for a list and he emailed me very quickly! I made my order and from the date of payment it took about a month to receive my order. This was no big deal as I was planning ahead and I was in no...
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    Pre Cycle Bloods

    Having a hard time getting the Pic to upload with a good readable size
  7. H

    Pre Cycle Bloods

    Just had some Pre-cycle bloods done. Everything looks pretty good besides the A/G ratio. Curious if anyone can give me some more info about this and how to get it in range?
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    Whey ISO post workout

    What’s your guys go to whey protein immediately after a lift? I’m looking to try something new, I don’t use it for meal replacement just right after a workout.
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    First AAS cycle looking for insight

    How’s it going guys, I lurk on the forum daily but don’t post to much. However I appreciate all the knowledge here! Anyway I’m looking to run a Test E cycle for my first time. I’ve done a few sarms cycles with the following compounds, LGD, S4, RAD, GW. I saw good results with those and little...
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    The effects of alcohol on protein synthesis: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Thanks for the info Dylan! I struggle with partying every so often being in my 20s. However I thought this was only slightly hindering my progress so this info will help me stay more consistent & on track!
  11. H

    Modafinil Cbbram

    I've been taking this every so often since a buddy at work let me know about it. Works well for me at 100mg with a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. I workout first thing so I like the focus and it's not overwhelming like PWO. Usually keeps me going all day.
  12. H

    SARMS for cuttings

    Cool I will be looking forward to hearing how your progress is coming along!
  13. H

    SARMS for cuttings

    Thanks I will add it in. Looking forward to the results
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    SARMS for cuttings

    I did actually lower BF by 2.5-3% I did cardio frequently also.
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    SARMS for cuttings

    Looking for a little insight on Mk-2866 I'm looking to cut some body fat. I have ran a 12 week cycle of Rad, S4, and LGD with really good strength gains and size last year. My plan is this: 1-12 25mg MK-2866 ED 1-12 50mg S4 split dose in half ED Pct: 13-16 Clomid 50/50/25/25 GW 20mg ED Now...
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    Plantar Wartz

    I did really nothing they can do. Supposed to go away with patience and possibly freeze it with nitrogen I was reading.
  17. H

    Plantar Wartz

    Just curious if anyone on here has experienced plantar wartz on the ball of their foot? This is really hindering my leg day training!! And I do t even know how I got them. Any experience on how long they last or tricks to get rid of them!?!? Any input is appreciated
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    Everything you need to know about Intramuscular Injections: Video by Dylan Gemelli

    Thanks for all the videos Dylan! I watch them during my cardio just about everyday. Even though I am holding off on cycling thanks to your advice it's nice to get safe information and be able to prepare for future plans...
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    Thanks guys. Running it at 20 and going to prefer some more. Really trying to get everything out of this run!
  20. H


    So I'm geared up to run my 12 week stack. I will be running S4, Rad-140, GW, and LGD all for 12 weeks and the GW will be ran through week 16 combined with clomid for 12-16. I made mistake on my order and forgot the Rad-140 was dosed 20MG a day and I only ordered enough for 10MG a day. Should I...
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