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  1. L

    AI During Sarms Cycle?

    Is eradicate by Blackstone Labs okay? Its what I already have on hand. I'm sure I can split the dose.
  2. L

    AI During Sarms Cycle?

    If using an AI like you said (12.5mg every 3rd day) do you need to taper off at all? Also, I have some on hand but they are 25mg per pull. Thoughts?
  3. L

    1st time user

    Hey guys: Getting ready to run a stack of Osta, LGD, and S-4. I have an AI on hand but am reading that I shouldn't use it during the 8 weeks. My plan is to take a basic cycle support during just for good health. After I am planning to run a Serm and test booster for 4 weeks followed by...
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