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  1. E

    Modafinil Source?

    I was thinking on it and its super cheap, but not a lot of people seemed interested at the time.
  2. E

    On a scale of 1-10 Rate AR

    I can't really do that because I work here, what a vendor is looking for is a bit different than what a member is looking for. for example safety- how well mods and admin protect everyone general attitude- I couldn't imagine paying to be on a forum where people have an eroids or meso attitude...
  3. E

    Scavanger contest

    I"m trying to do a small series of contests on each forum, a couple of different kinds to see which forums are most active in them. It's hard to do a contest on each forum each month so i'll just narrow it down to two and find other advertising techniques on the other forums who are less active...
  4. E

    Scavanger contest

    and sorry for being late to get in here, I didn't think there was going to be any participation
  5. E

    Scavanger contest

    saiyan and mizz bizz are the winners. saiyan gets $200 and mizz bizz $150 in store credit, email me on the 28th and i'll get you some coupon codes, no purchase necessary but if you do decide to stack more on top you would have to purchase at least $100 worth because the min is set by the receivers.
  6. E

    And a lurker speaks..........wuddup!

    You won't see to many big ego's from members or cutthroat reps like you will in some other places, it's a good place to land.
  7. E

    Scavanger contest

    just one pic, it's done tomorrow anyway, if nobody enters nobody wins.
  8. E

    Bleeding gums and nose

    Listen, I"m not a doctor or a dentist but it definitely sounds like a prolapsed anus to me, I would seek advice from your local physician/priest though because I don't have any medical training and you never can be to careful when your running this stuff.
  9. E

    Selfish indulgences

    It's a matter of personal preference, I was younger and didn't have a lot of money when I bought my first one so I went with ak's because the ammo was about half the price and i'm not really planning on getting in any long range fire fight's any time soon so the range question doesn't even enter...
  10. E

    Selfish indulgences

    Guns man, it's definitely guns.. I love them but i'm starting to self regulate because to many don't make sense and I don't keep more than one or two in my house anyway so I have to pay to safely store them. I have a wasr-10 Romanian ak, Chinese type 56, Hungarian ak 63, glock 26 and glock 43...
  11. E

    Scavanger contest

    I guess it would have to, certainly can't discriminate, It's quite possible that we have neglected the homosexual anabolic user market anyway so knock yourself out, a picture of a dude may get us some new business. I've always wondered if I found some good test blockers and estrogen enhancers...
  12. E

    Scavanger contest

    they don't all have to be in a pic, each one is worth a point, the more you get the more points you get and that's how you win.
  13. E

    Scavanger contest

    It's time for another picture contest, i will give you a list of things and you get a point for each one of these things you can fit in to a picture, the 2 winners will receive first place $200 store credit second place $150 store credit 1) something you built 2) something you broke 3)...
  14. E

    A thread about the taboo and dangerous

    I actually used to offer tren on free raffle packs sometimes before I decided to rethink it after I got a few guys asking the wrong questions after they got it, we all make mistakes and learn from them and it was irresponsible and unethical of us to do it, know better now though. We are...
  15. E

    A thread about the taboo and dangerous

    I forgot all about clen, That is another one ugls make sometimes and we have no business doing so, making deadly drugs in mcg's is totally irresponsible if you don't have the right equipment and i'm sure very few if any do.
  16. E

    A thread about the taboo and dangerous

    I think there is a very small portion of people who would have any reason to run it, the risk of infection and how hard it is to use it right are the problems. We are not trying to teach anything to guys on that level who have been doing this forever and about to do a show, it's more for brand...
  17. E

    A thread about the taboo and dangerous

    Synthol should be there, Forgot all about that one, I'll add it now, if you think we should add one you should say why and educate people.
  18. E

    A thread about the taboo and dangerous

    I have been seeing this a lot here lately, there are just some things you shouldn't run unless you have a good reason to run them, I can't even think of a good reason to run some of them but in any case they should not be taken lightly. Hopefully we can keep this thread going for a little while...
  19. E

    The $4 vial of test

    This forum does not have any of that on my end so far, eroids is the worst for it, That place is the worst for a lot of things but scamming members or entitled feeling members is the biggest negative to the place. You will see a little of it at most of the forums but it's a sport there.
  20. E

    The $4 vial of test

    That is absolutely true, I actually had not thought about it that way, I'm one of those guys who is going to have to go read everything about customer acquisition cost and everything that could possibly effect it. I would imagine the cost of retaining your customers could be another factor but...
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