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  1. B

    From TRT to Anabolic Testosterone Cycle

    Perfect! Thanks for the response!
  2. B

    From TRT to Anabolic Testosterone Cycle

    Hey D. Just realized I typo'd. I meant CLOMID for my PCT not Nolva. But to your point, if I decide to stay on TRT, then I would skip PCT regardless. As for the cycle, I will review your videos and let you know of further questions. Thx!!
  3. B

    From TRT to Anabolic Testosterone Cycle

    Hi Dylan. Great to see you still so active on this thread. The PCT I listed was almost the same as your 40/20/20/20 protocol, other than week 2 being at 40 instead of 20. What am I missing? As for my cycle, I didn't say I wanted to get off of my maintenance TRT (135mg/week)...I'm looking to...
  4. B

    From TRT to Anabolic Testosterone Cycle

    Hi All. It's been a while since I posted. Had to deal with alot of tragedy in my life over the last 3.5 years. However, I'm finally back to training consistently again. Here are my questions: My stats: 50 year old male, 190lbs @ 15% BF. Healthy and no issues (other than a little...
  5. B

    SARMs Mid-Cycle Blood Work

    Good to hear. I had some mild suppression from MK, but if you follow the PCT you should rebound nicely. Then restart. B
  6. B

    SARMs Mid-Cycle Blood Work

    I agree with RickRock and at least FSH/LH are still working. They are responsible for the production of Test. Are you taking anything else? More importantly, where did you get your SARMS? If they aren’t from some of the approved sources, then it’s likely they have proharmones - so would be good...
  7. B

    Beastmode is back!!

    Thanks bro!
  8. B

    Beastmode is back!!

    Hey guys. Been away from the forum for a while. Work got into the way with a new job that started in August 2017. Been staying in shape, but not as focused as I was. Ready to restart things and make some gains over the next 6-12 months. Hoping to stay focused. I’m cleaning up my diet starting...
  9. B is down...

    Yeah. Sorry. I last purchased in April/May of last year so I didn’t know.
  10. B is down...

    Thanks. I’ve been off the forum for a little while so I missed this change. I will keep digging through the forum for high quality SARMS. I don’t want any of the crappy harmone laced stuff.
  11. B is down...

    Does anyone know what is up with the site? Looking to order but no luck.
  12. B

    SARMS Help.

    Not really. Just follow the protocol outlined by Rick and you should recover nicely.
  13. B

    SARMS Help.

    That is the intended result.
  14. B

    SARMS Help.

    You’re not listening. You need to do what RickRock prescribed. You are getting crap from your “nutrition” shop. If you don’t, you may be fucked for a long time. Take my word for it.
  15. B

    S-4 side effects

    Same occurred for me. Went off S4 and everything was normal. Now I'm back on S4 and it's back. It's perfectly normal and part of the game. No worries at all.
  16. B

    Starting my SARMS cycle again...

    Hi Dylan. Was getting ready to checkout on and I don't see an option for wire transfer to get the 20% off. I only see Credit/Debit Card.
  17. B

    Starting my SARMS cycle again...

    Thanks for the feedback. Will let you know what I decide.
  18. B

    Starting my SARMS cycle again...

    All, As some of you OG's know, I was doing a 12-week utlimtate recomp STACK that was suggested by Dylan - LGD, S3, RAD140, GW, and MK2866. I had some Testosterone issues due to a doctor fuck up and had to pause my cycle after 4-weeks and do a PCT. I completed my 4-week PCT, and then waiting 4...
  19. B

    SHBG High and Estradiol Elevated

    Will do. Thanks RR.
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