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  1. J

    Your favorite Pre workouts.....

    Ares is a good one like TX TERROR said, but i dont trust that company haha. I bought Ares for myself and Athena for my girlfriend. Literally the exact same ingredients and same amount of everything, just different flavor. Ares says use 1-2 scoops and Athena says to use just 1. However, the scoop...
  2. J

    7.1 earthquake last night

    I live in anchorage. The earthquake was like 150 miles south and 75 miles deep, near Anchor Point. Down towards Kenai and Homer got the worst of it. A gas line broke in Kenai and some houses exploded and caught fire
  3. J

    7.1 earthquake last night

    Not sure where any of you live but luckily none (or not many) live up here in Alaska. We had a 7.1 earthquake last night around 1:30 am. No huge damage, just a ton of bottles and tvs and picture frames broken. Not sure if any of you have been in an earthquake that size but it's definitely not...
  4. J


    And btw, I'm new here but not new to forums/ordering. Was on Evo and SyntheticGenetics for a long time. Ask Phurious, him and I go way back haha. But thank you guys for all the input
  5. J


    Yeah she reshipped it. PharmaLady has awesome customer service. I know I'm not the first to say that and definitely won't be the last. Now let's hope this next shipment doesn't have the same outcome
  6. J


    Not good. Seizure letter in the pack. Seized all controlled substances, left cytomel, aromasin, cialis. Fuuuuck
  7. J


    International pack sat in customs over 7 days. Released yesterday and says its out for delivery now. I'm nervous and paranoid as hell. Do you guys think it's fine or should I be concerned?
  8. J

    1st order Flawlesss

    I don't know if it's just the customs center in this part of the country or what, but my first pack took about 2 weeks and second has been sitting at customs for a few days now. Still, two weeks international is faster than most, but having it sit at customs just makes me nervous
  9. J


    Any deals on anything other than test?
  10. J

    New guy here

    Thanks everyone. Dylan the blend I'm using now has tren/test/and mast prop in it. I'll definitely be adding Winny suspension the last 4 or 5 weeks. Krazie (phurious) gave me some for my last comp and I liked it a lot. I'm liking primo a lot. I think it's really starting to peak right now.
  11. J

    New guy here

    Many of you I recognize from other forums, decided to check this place out and give it a shot. I'm 27, men's physique competitor, currently running test prop/tren ace/mast prop 75mg each ED with 800mg primo e/week. A little under 12 weeks until my competition. About to throw in some proviron...
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