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  1. G

    sleep aid?

    This is true, However when you get that old you have no trouble falling asleep :D
  2. G

    sleep aid?

    The darker and colder it is when/where you sleep, the more melatonin is released naturally. Also, I find that my bedtime pre-manufactured protein shake contains 3mg of mel already, plus a 1-2 3mg otc tabs works really well. Add in some ZMA and oh boy.. very nice! Just don't ingest anything with...
  3. G

    Melanoton 2 .......

    The darker and colder it is when/where you sleep, the more melatonin is released naturally. Also, I find that my bedtime pre-manufactured protein shake contains 3mg of mel already, plus a 1-2 3mg otc tabs works really well. Ad in some ZMA and oh boy.. very nice! Just don't ingest anything with...
  4. G

    ECA or albuterol

    I've been using phen now for 3 weeks, no sides, and so far about a 3% reduction in bf. I like it :)
  5. G

    Using HGH For Curing Tendonitis and Pain

    I have excellent exercise routines specific for shoulder impingement patients which sadly is about 80% of all the patients I see (from young athletes to the elderly). PM me and I'll send them to you if you'd like.
  6. G

    Using HGH For Curing Tendonitis and Pain

    It may be an External Impingement and not the typical impingement which is inflammation of the supraspinatus tendon/bursa. If it is an external impingement that means you have a bone abnormality (like a spur or excess growth) which causes you impingement pain because the supraspinatus...
  7. G

    Help for first cycle

    do all that responsibly of course eh
  8. G

    Help for first cycle

    Just eat a shit ton and bang a bunch of chicks, if that doesn't help research test/cyp, then go and eat more and bang more girls
  9. G

    Phurious Pharma Product List

    ok, this should be the third, lets see if it works
  10. G

    Phurious Pharma Product List

    I don't know what his screen name was, or if he was on here, He was a friend of a friend who happened to be a Phurious Rep. I can tell you his name but privately of course. Thank you
  11. G

    Phurious Pharma Product List

    Hello from the South West, I just joined this forum and it seems I can't send PM's yet, soo... can someone from Phurious Pharma, or a sales rep please contact me. I have been using Phurious products for the past 8 weeks, however my rep suffered an accident earlier this week and sadly, I need a...
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