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  1. C

    Why I decided to take a diet break

    So after making a post here getting some input from the members and doing some research im taking a diet break . Why? I'm going to list the reasons. StArting with the biggest problems first . 1 the cravings were unbearable . I was craving shit I wouldn't normally eat . Like sweets . 2 I...
  2. C

    Diet break

    I think his may be what has happened . I think I'm going to add more cardio and go from there . I was doing 5 days cardio 20 min hiit sessions
  3. C

    Diet break

    I was thinking this too , bc I am so damn close . I know it slows a lot the leaner you get . I was thinking of adding more cardio and going from there. Only bc I am that close . At this point for me to lose a few lbs is going to make drastic changes to my body as long as it's from actual fat ...
  4. C

    Diet break

    Everything in the fitness world is opinion based . I appreciate you always giving me yours . I just need somewhere to start . The rest I'll figure out as I go and monitor my food and training .
  5. C

    Diet break

    The annoying part of this is that I got really lean and I sooooo close to being where I wanted to be . And I didn't want to have to diet through the summer . So if I'm gonna take a break might as well deload as well. When de loading should I lower my cardio as well . I'm at 5 days now .
  6. C

    Diet break

    Nope no sarms , I don't feel lethargic or anything . I just have been dieting for a while and fat loss has slowed down and I can't reduce any more bit I am not done
  7. C

    Diet break

    Want some info on how this works and how long . I dieted off 30 lbs down to from 210 to 180. when I go to maitnece calories how long should I hang there before going back to a deficit?
  8. C

    Diet manipulation stuff

    Sounds like a plan thanks for the answer buddy .
  9. C

    Diet manipulation stuff

    Any one know how to get ready for a photo shoot ?? As far as carb sodium and water manipulation ? I don't need a super aggressive plan . Don't need shredded glutes nor would I ever want them . I'm messing around with my diet now to see what kind of changes I can make . The main issue I always...
  10. C

    Diet manipulation questions

    Diet is going very well . In damn near at my goal . I have a little more fat I wana take off . So today was a cheat day . I had a burger fries and split a dessert with my son. After I ate this I filled out . Veins and all big as hell . Looked greet . I already looked good before this just...
  11. C

    Best ways to track bf

    The mirror is my worst enemy lol
  12. C

    Meal prep services .

    Awesome yea I wana try this for a couple meals . It's impossible to find any where to eat other then salad places when you wana eat clean but don't wana cook . Would be nice to have some already cooked meals. Ready to go. I want to find one that customizes meals to your macros
  13. C

    Best ways to track bf

    Yes this is exactly what I mean. Just to see the changes . So I know my diet is where it should be
  14. C

    Best ways to track bf

    Other then the mirror or the scale I have a body fat caliper I use . i used to use 3 spots on the right side of the body . Tricep quad and the gut about an inch to the right of the belly button. Now I just use the pinch on the gut cuz that's where all the fat is . Today there was 1/2 pinch...
  15. C

    Meal prep services .

    I do my own too . But I was thinking more to have them on hand more a pinch situation . I was gonna try making my own meals and freezing them but idk how that would be or if it would even taste good without all the junk used to preserve froZen foods
  16. C

    CAlories and cooking question

    Yes I've cooked with it before lol who hasn't ? But when I'm normally buying red I always go for the lean cuts and lean beef .
  17. C

    CAlories and cooking question

    If these damn pics would upload then you'd see what my meal prep looks like every Sunday . I have been doing this for years. But I am always looking for new ideas and recipes . So if any one has and tricks to making good meat loaf or meat balls with lean beef or lead turkey let me know bc mine...
  18. C

    CAlories and cooking question

    I don't buy 80% beef . I buy 93% that's the best I can find around here .
  19. C

    CAlories and cooking question

    Well the fat I wasn't sure about bc there's a ton of info online . Calories however makes no sense to weigh out food before you cook it bc it loses water and shrinks , that makes no seme to determine the portion size you eat Pre cooked .
  20. C

    CAlories and cooking question

    This mainly pertains to ground beef . If you cook 80% gb and turn it into meatloaf . When you cook it a lot of th fat comes out and I scrap it out I to the trash . I have found charts online claiming that when you cook the beef the calories actually are lower from losing the fat and I'm...
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