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  1. C


    What's DAA? And is it required, is there any difference if I don't run that?
  2. C


    Just wondering if a test booster is required when taking sarms (LGD&S-4)?
  3. C

    Sarms dosage measurement

    Awesome just wanted to make sure
  4. C

    Sarms dosage measurement

    If a bottles says 20mg/ml @30 ml does that mean 1ml is 20mg?
  5. C

    Lgd 4033

    If taking LGD for a 12 week cycle what pct would be required? Full or mini pct ?
  6. C

    Liquid vs capsules sarms

    Thank y'all for the information.
  7. C

    Liquid vs capsules sarms

    So hey I was just wondering is there's any difference between capsules and liquid sarms ? Is one better that the other or they both work just as well?
  8. C


    Can sarms potentially cause birth defects later in life if you're trying to have kids ?
  9. C


    For Clomid it's 50mg the first week then 25mg for the rest of it?
  10. C


    Well I haven't used anything so far but I want to try out sarms as my first cycle, I'm 24 years old 5"10 and weigh 185lb. My goal is to gain lean muscle, get some size and strength, and lose fat. Just trying to cut and get lean. What would you recommend ?
  11. C


    If i want to ru LGD and S4 what should be the dosage and how long of a cycle should it be ?
  12. C


    So for both PCT it's 20mg each ?
  13. C


    Thanks for the help! Final question, when exactly do I start taking pct? After I'm done with the cycle or mid cycle ?
  14. C


    Yes only s4, just trying to get lean, strength, and cut off some fat.
  15. C


    Do you have a link for a PCT?
  16. C


    How many bottle is one cycle ?
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