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  1. L

    Triple Stack

    First of I want to say thank you, that means a lot! :D Secondly: Yeah, the 1g of protein per lb of body weight (not lean mass), kept me to keep growing and growing. I would always go above my weight, to gain muscle (of course) and keep fat to a minimum. The most lean I have ever gotten was 8%...
  2. L

    Liquid vs capsules sarms

    Exactly why I will NEVER buy encapsulated SARMS EVER again! First experience gave me good gains though, I went from 148-158 in 4 weeks! Which makes me think that is was laced or was a prohormone and not actual ostarine.
  3. L

    Triple Stack

    Once I do get back in, I won't start the cycle right away.. I want to gain muscle back, and get my diet and workout routine in check. So it'll probably be 2 months before I start a log for it! :D
  4. L

    Triple Stack

    Don't think I'm not appreciating your advice Dylan, I really am very grateful for all of your guys' advice! Especially about the steroid use I was thinking of doing. In fact, you guys saved my body from being ruined! And for that I am very VERY grateful! But, I'll start out with your Diet Dylan...
  5. L

    Triple Stack

    That's what I will be doing, thank you for the response though Rick! :D I'll probably start with a 40/40/20 (protein/carbs/fats), then if I start to gain some unwanted fat (which I shouldn't given my metabolic rate). I'll adjust it and probably change to a 50/30/20.
  6. L

    Nipples feeling weird with LGD

    Well, I guess I'll have this just in case for when I take it. It happened to me when I took Ostarine. BUT it was from Blackstone labs, and it was most likely a prohormone lol.
  7. L

    Triple Stack

    Well, would a 45/35/20 be good (protein/carbs/fats). My diet was 2g per lb of body weight on carbs, 1g per lb of body weight on protein, and fat was around 70g. So calorie intake was low, but I was gaining size so it didn't matter to me lol. But I'll also be working out for at least 2 months...
  8. L

    Triple Stack

    Okay, I'll adjust it as needed. The highest I've gone with carbs was 215 (if I'm not mistaken), and I was still losing bodyfat. I do cardio after my workouts 3 times a week, so I try and keep my carbs on the higher end of the spectrum, while having adequate protein and fat intake.
  9. L

    Triple Stack

    That's FREAKING AWESOME! I noticed the cross necklace tattoo, but couldn't really see any others lol. And thank you, I will. I am actually talking with BigBusiness about getting my diet more in check than it was, I may switch it to a 40/40/20 just to lower the carbs a bit, and up the protein to...
  10. L

    Triple Stack

    Alright, thank you Dylan! Much appreciated! :D Also, love the honesty and emphasis on use and safety in your videos! Keep up the good work bro! Also, off-topic, I saw your video about perseverance and I was shocked to hear that you believe. But so very awesome! God bless brother, LOLExpress.
  11. L

    Liquid vs capsules sarms

    No problem man! But for an extra sense of security, since I had gone through that mess of a situation... I'll be buying from SARMSx, even though (like I said) I am very skeptical about buying anything other than whey protein, creatine, and beta-alanine lol.
  12. L

    Triple Stack

    The legs I always go super light due to the injury, by the way. And I use compression knee braces, for the sense of extra security.
  13. L

    Triple Stack

    Hello everyone, Well, I have gone back and forth in my mind and reading all about different SARMs, and such.. But I'm "torn" between getting the Triple Stack OR just running LGD-4033 and S4. My goal is to gain strength while bulking, but stay relatively lean. My stats are: Height 6' 1", Weight...
  14. L

    Liquid vs capsules sarms

    That's what I thought. Cause I was told SARMS didn't cause joint pain, but I also remember reading that prohormones could have that effect. So since then, I've always been skeptical on buying SARMs.
  15. L

    Liquid vs capsules sarms

    This is just from my experience, and from what I've heard/read. Usually if you are buying capsulated SARMs, they are from a company that also sells pro hormones (usually); so the SARM could be laced with a pro hormone.. I had a case where I bought ostarine (from Blackstone labs), and I only did...
  16. L

    PCT Suggestions

    Also, another question arose while just sitting here, watching youtube lol. I know that there are longer esters and half-lives, so should I just start the PCT the Monday after taking my last dose on that Sunday, or wait a little while longer? Again thank you for your reply, LOLExpress.
  17. L

    PCT Suggestions

    Okay, so I had already made a post about the SARMs I'd be using in my second cycle (LGD-4033 and S4) for 8 weeks. Now for the PCT I was thinking of running Cardarine (GW-501516) and Clomiphene. Will I need to use anything else like exemestane for more of an AI, just in case if Estrogen problems...
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