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  1. L

    I need some help please

    Hello everyone how is everyone doing. Well first off let me start by saying that I have some prohormone cycles under my belt and I ran then right until I didn't come off my last few ones properly and I Have gotten some gyno that I tried treating with letro and caber (I used trenavar) . I thought...
  2. L

    Has anyone used

    What's the website?
  3. L

    Has anyone used

    I am on there site and there letro and raloxifene look super it fake shit? Someone help
  4. L

    Gyno help!!!!!

    Hey man I posted a pic
  5. L

    Gyno help!!!!!

    Here we go guys lol please don't laugh and let me know if it's reversible
  6. L

    Gyno help!!!!!

    I tried it but now it says the file is to big????? IFK this is frustrating and my wife wants me off he phone and cuddle with her lol
  7. L

    Gyno help!!!!!

    Thank you man I truly appreciate you for the advice. Would you mind helping me learn how to post pictures on here. I am using a Samsung and I'm on the website through the phone
  8. L

    Gyno help!!!!!

    You are right about that. Do you think they could prescribe something for me?
  9. L

    Gyno help!!!!!

    I don't know how to do it. I tied but it isn't posting. Is there something more I should do?
  10. L

    Gyno help!!!!!

    I am using my phone how do I send a pic I am new to the site
  11. L

    Gyno help!!!!!

    I have had it for almost a year now. And it progressively got worse and it looks atrocious on my right side. I heard of ralox just recently. It is a little squishy and had a hard lump around some of the squishyness.....I'll post a pic but please don't judge me guys it is very embarrassing. And...
  12. L

    Gyno help!!!!!

    I swear to god I have tried every fucking thing in the world to get rid of my gyno!! Lol I used letro, caber, aromasin I mean everything. I guess I just need the surgery. I got it from not using a proper pct after a dmz and trenavar cycle. Can anyone tell me different ways to help shrink...
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