Bro doing steroids while having really high bodyfat is a terrible idea and you should never do it. Just use some gw-501516 and ostarine and diet program and drop the fat first with a light sarms cycle, you can use steroid later on once you are at a proper bodyfat level of about 12% bodyfat...
I am not a fan of synthetek at all, their products are not the best and their representatives are kinda mean bros that say awful things to people on the forums. On that basis alone I would not shop there period. No other comments on synthetek industries bro.
Arimistane 50mg per day and tapper off slowly after 60 days of treatment, that is a much better way in my opinion as letro is for extreme cases, for you it may become worse and you may experience a rebound.
To see your six-pack abs bro you have to get below 9% bodyfat, it is right around this BF% level that abs begin to look out and the amount of ab work you have done is also a crucial determining factor in just how nice your abs will really look.
Forget about Nandrolone for this problem. You need to get on a stack of Ostarine and Mk-677 for about 3 months straight and that will surely help a lot . Forget about deca for joint repair it is not nearly as effective as Ostarine or mk-677.
You have two choices and neither is wrong:
Bro just treat them as two different schedules, do the testosterone enanthate injections once per week and do the trenbolone acetate every other day. Do not worry when they watch and when they dont.
You can also just break down your testosterone...
Letrozole is the absolute strongest anti-estrogen on the market, do not use unless you have exhausted all other options. Start off with arimistane at 50mg per day without any other compounds and see how it develops.
Yes the esters release at the same rate no matter the steroid, however something like testosterone works right away while trenbolone takes about 2 weeks to feel the full effects even if they are the same esters your receptor affinity is different for each hormone.
If you have normal testosterone levels and you want to start into performance enhancing drugs your best bet would be to try out a sarms stack or something along those lines. We need to make sure your SARMs stack is also supported by a plan of cycle support products to keep your estrogen low as...
There is androgel and also rs transaderm those are good steroid creams that work well. A lot of guys have problems with swallowing pills and even more have a problem with niddles for these guys rs transaderm can be a great option.
Finaplix or trenbolone as we all know it, can he used by itself but will work much better with testosterone added,amber even some dianabol for the first 4 weeks too would be good.
Eat all your carbs early in the day, when you are more active. After about 6pm you want to limit down your carbs a lot. You always want to eat at least 1 to 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
Actually I think that the older you are the more you need them. If you are an old guy and you can't gain muscle and you don't have libido, you might as well use the steroids and feel better and NOT worry about health risk that could or could not happen in a dozen years. The older guys above...