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    Switching off lgd to s4

    Oooh ok I see what you’re saying now. EACH sarm needs a full cycle Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Switching off lgd to s4

    No no I think there was some miscommunication there post your advice, I’m running a full 12 week of rad just want to swap lgd for s4 at week 6. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Switching off lgd to s4

    I’m curious if anyone has had success switching from bulking to cutting mid cycle. The timing has worked out that I’m now more interested in trimming what I have. I’m on 15mg rad and 10mg lgd and would love to switch out the lgd for s4 but I’m concerned about experiencing suppression mid cycle...
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    Looking for capsule s4

    That sounds fine. I make a protein smoothie every morning that should be strong enough to hide the taste. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Looking for capsule s4

    I can’t speak for sarms or serms but I have experience with similar liquid peptides. I get horrible crippling heartburn the second they make contact with the throat. Not sure why but this is from multiple different compounds that do this. Cough medicine will do this too me if it’s bitter enough...
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    Looking for capsule s4

    Does a reliable source exist? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    First SARMs cycle. Am I on the money?

    I can run a complete cycle. Are we talking 12 weeks? Cuz that’s very doable for me just gotta get the stuff. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    First SARMs cycle. Am I on the money?

    I’m not opposed to bulking by any means and if I need to go to 30 to see results I can totally double up the dosage after week one. I have 60x15mg rad so I can extend to 60 days at 15 too Just bought the wife gw and stenabol but the stenabol is quite pricey for me. Should I go to 30mg of rad or...
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    Wife interested in gw501516 and sr9009. Seeking more information on dosages and side

    Perfect! I’m assuming she can start at 10mg gw/ 15mg SR9009 and move up on both if need be. The Stenabol was pricey so we only have 120 5mg. She wants to run a 2 month cycle leading up to a wedding at the end of May so that would break down to 15mg a day for 40 days.. Will she really need the...
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    Wife interested in gw501516 and sr9009. Seeking more information on dosages and side

    My wife is in decent shape but looking to trim down. She’s very interested in the array of benefits from both of the compounds but is having trouble finding good resources on dosing and side effects for women. Technically the only thing shes been concerned with are any encroachments on her...
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    First SARMs cycle. Am I on the money?

    Hi there. I just ordered my first round of compounds and I would love some second opinions to make sure I’m within reasonable limit, dosage, and using the right combination of compounds for pct I’m Male 29 years old 5’ 11” 164 lb Roughly 20% body fat I reached excellent shape around 21 years...
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