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  1. T

    Erectile dysfunction

    Thanks, yeah I'm about 70% hard and take forever to recover I also last about 5 minutes due to trying to ensure I'm Still hard. Is there anything I can do to unbind the shbg as stated before I have been taking avena sativa. I do have oestrogen blockers on hand and have used before.
  2. T

    Erectile dysfunction

    Okay it's been 4 months and I was finally able to get blood test results here is what I got back SHBG: 49 nMol (18.3-54) T4: 17.7 pMol (12-22) Cortisol: 440 nMol Free test: 52.7 (42-200) Tsh: 2.77 miUL (0.4-5.50) Total test: 25.8 nMol (8.64-29) Prolactin: 236 mUL (86-324) Will I need more...
  3. T

    Erectile dysfunction

    Yeah that's the protocol that I followed, should have done more research it's just that everyone said he was the best doctor in USA and possibly the world. Really appreciate the positive feedback everywhere else people just insult me and make me feel even lower than I already am. I'll buy that...
  4. T

    Erectile dysfunction

    Also the only reason I did hcg was because of dr scallys power pct protocol apparently it's help nearly everyone who's done it before and the ones who didn't recover already had low t problems previous to steroids
  5. T

    Erectile dysfunction

    I already know I mad a big mistake it's literally the biggest regret of my life I just want a normal life at this rate I'll never have a girlfriend or wife and it's a secret that I can't tell anyone I hate it but yeah I'll get bloods done ASAP and post them.
  6. T

    Erectile dysfunction

    Another thing to note I had a blood test which said that my total T was in range but my free test was low I can remember the measurement it used but the minimum range it started at was 50 and mine was 45 so slightly lower than minimum
  7. T

    Erectile dysfunction

    I'm 20 years old 75kg 10% body fat Over the 18 months of erectile dysfunction I've taken dostinex, aromasin and two cycles of hcg clomid and nolvadex nothing seems to be working I'm thinking my next step I should do a test prop only cycle then do a pct to try recover again I'm just desperate to...
  8. T

    Erectile dysfunction

    Hi Dylan Just over a year back now I took my second cycle consisting of testosterone prop and tren ace just after finishing pct I began to lose my libido and get erectile dysfunction I have now had those problem for a while trying pcts again with hcg however nothing seems to be working can this...
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