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  1. J

    Pct sarms

    Why MK and GW in PCT. I’m lost... I thought just clomid / nolva / organ ST
  2. J

    Got through my first week of lgd.

    Thanks for your post. Why did you pick LGD?
  3. J

    LGD + Ostarine

    I watched your LGD-4033 side effect youtube. Thanks man. I'm thinking about running this + Ostarine once I get my bloodwork back
  4. J

    47 and confused

    Thanks - new here. Will go back and read extensively.
  5. J


    I've been on multiple combat deployments in a grunt unit. My body is old - LOL
  6. J

    MK-2866 (Ostarine) Explained: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Thanks man, like I said. I apologize if I post/ask anything newbie-ish. Looking to start one light 12 week cycle. Will post blood results shortly and go from there.
  7. J

    47 and confused

    Much appreciated
  8. J

    47 and confused

    Thanks. I already got my bloodwork done. Have an appt next week to discuss
  9. J

    MK-2866 (Ostarine) Explained: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Hey Dylan, thanks for your video man. I learned alot, being a newbie. I like MK2866. Can I take this alone if it's my first cycle?
  10. J

    47 and confused

    I'm 35 and was interested in that. Can you do TRT with any SARMs as well? I get really confused on all of this too.....
  11. J


    Hello all. Not sure if this is the correct area, but I wanted to introduce myself. I'm 35 and been weight lifting for about 15 years since right around I joined the Marine Corps (been out 8 years). With the downside of being 35, I am well aware that I have to work "extra hard" to get gains...
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