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  1. G

    Test Dbol and Winstrol

    Thank man and to be honest I think I got some bogus test so I don't even know if my body is even getting used to having a stimulant put into it
  2. G

    Test Dbol and Winstrol

    Thanks do you guys think I should run Dbol and end with Winstrol for my second cycle or do a more simple cycle? And my plans where to get size with Dbol and then tone up with Winstrol good or bad idea?
  3. G

    Test Dbol and Winstrol

    What are your thoughts on a good PCT? Aromasin
  4. G

    Test Dbol and Winstrol

    It's thoughts for a second cycle
  5. G

    Test Dbol and Winstrol

    Age:26 Height:6'1 Weight: About 170 Body fat: 15% Years of training: 6 years Cycle history: testosterone enanthate 250 doses 1ml weekly split in 2. Length still on cycle about 4 weeks in. PCT haven't got there yet but have HCG and Nolvadex on hand Goals: 200 pounds at about 10% body fat...
  6. G

    Test Dbol and Winstrol

    Stats what do you mean?
  7. G

    Test Dbol and Winstrol

    What is the best way to cycle Test Dbol and Winstrol like doses and lengths ect..
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