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  1. B

    Dmz first timer

    Okay thanks guys and just out of curiosity what horror stories have you heard about ea sarms?
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    Thanks a lot guys
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    How important is this to a sarms stack and is it even needed. Main goal lean mass fast as possible? Also what if any pct is required with sarms like mk2866, lgd4033, s4 etc. and should a test booster and clomid be ran with them?
  4. B

    Dmz first timer

    Dang sounds crappy. I'm sure those guys run test year round.
  5. B

    Dmz first timer

    I'm 32yrs old and starting lifting about 1yr ago. I was 300lbs and got down to 165lbs. I'm now 205lbs and trying to put on some lean muscle. Only thing I've experimented with is mk677 so far but my gym is full of ameature bodybuilders and one pro and all of them are trying to get me to take the...
  6. B

    Dmz first timer

    They goes just about any steroid tho right like dbol etc?
  7. B

    Dmz first timer

    Damn! Some guys at the gym are running it and gain 15-20lbs what makes it so bad just so I'll be educated in the future?
  8. B

    Dmz first timer

    I recently purchased a product with dmz in it called hulkz. It contains 25mg androsta,10mg dmz,5mg lgd4033, and 5mg gw501516. What do I need to run with this safely and what pct precaution do I need to take?
  9. B

    Sarms first cycle

    Thanks a lot definitely like learning and getting educated on these sort of things !
  10. B

    Sarms first cycle

    Thanks that's exactly the advice I was looking for bro can't thank you enough
  11. B

    Sarms first cycle

    I watched a bunch of your videos on YouTube and just started buying the ones you suggested mostly from and enhanced athlete.
  12. B

    Sarms first cycle

    Thanks guys I've been doing some research and I just wanted to make sure I got some good advice from people with experience first hand. So I can stack all the ones I've listed above for a lean bulk?
  13. B

    Sarms first cycle

    I have recently purchased some sarms like s4,mk677,mk2866, lgd4033,rad140,and 501516 which should I stack for bulking and which for cutting? I would prefer doing a year round lean bulk and help would be great thanks!
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