This question goes out to Dylan and Rick:
I still actively compete in sports where an athlete. Im looking for information on how long do SARMs stay in your system and are they on the banned PEDs list?
Dude, I was a hard gainer too. I'm only advising you not to go AAS too early so you don't screw yourself up and miss out on future gains. I bet spring break has more to do with it then being stuck.
2 things to dig into is your diet and your lifting. Don't tell me they are spot on and you still...
Thank you for taking the time to put this together for me. I will follow word for word, hold off on the cycle till I have everything on hand. I'll be staying active on this site, as I feel you all give this best info out there. But then I'll post my results and pictures as I do this.
Yes, I am very lucky. For my competition I was still able to cut the weight and make 146, a 30lb cut over 2 weeks, not very smart either. But I literally had very very light to no sides. I don't want to want to push that luck.
I respect your input. I've actually messaged you once via FB, thanking you for your info on youtube and you gave a pretty prompt response.
My stats
35 yrs old
5ft 7.5 in tall
165lbs, 9% body fat
Goals are performance based. As I'm getting older I do less boxing/kickboxing and more grappling...
The question I have is why AAS right now? At your age you're producing so much test and hgh naturally. You can train without it and get awesome results. Listen to what is getting said. You want to do them now because you are being impulsive and losing sight of the big picture. Odds are, you'll...
Just want to throw the jab out there and sat hi. I've bounced around and looked at a few other forums. My training experience is high but new to the world of AAS and SARMs. I ran my first cycle first cycle about 6 months ago after researching for a few years, passively. I met a at the gym and I...