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  1. M

    steroids for females

    . This is how lean my physique currently is
  2. M

    steroids for females

    I visited the sarms link you provided. It looks like it is sold in 30 ml bottles? How may of each bottle will I need and is there a certain way it is best to take ? Sorry for so many questions total newb��
  3. M

    steroids for females

    Thank you much for your time and knowledge mizzbizz. How long would I take this sarms stack you suggested and what kind of results would I typically get from it? I'm aware this would be different from person to person. But in general?��
  4. M

    steroids for females

    Thanks guys & mizzbizz! I am new to this! And I am worried about my safety that is why I further looked into it and was asking the questions and contacted Dylan gemelli originally through the sarms YT vid. I would def be willing to try this sarms! But don't know much about them either which to...
  5. M

    steroids for females

    Hello Dylan a friend referred me to watch your YT for some advise on steroids. I am a 40 year old female I am 5'8' and 130 lbs and 16% body fat I am doing a bikini competition in July possibly one in April if my physique is up to par. I have really long legs and am really insecure about their...
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