so whats the point of check codes if they check out as fake? like i said 1 checked out as legit but 2 came back as fake even after i tried multiple ways of typing the code in to make sure i wasn't mistaking a 1 for an l etc...
Was thinkin of starting the cycle with 4-6 weeks of tbol and cutting the var a little shorter, already pretty lean so thinkin I can add a little lean mass before starting my cut with the var, thoughts?
Thanks for the reply! I'm by no means an expert but this is my 3rd cycle so 600 up from my last 2 cycles at 500/wk seems like a good progression, esp since the test e is 300/ml which is just easier than adjusting to .8ml lol also running adex 1mg eod and clomid for pct, first time on var and...
New to this forum and just ordered Pharmacom Labs Test E300 and Anavar. Gonna run 12 weeks at Test 600/wk and var 70mg/day for last 7 weeks, looking to maintain strength and size while I cut up. Let everyone know how its going in a few weeks! oh and I plan on getting bloodwork done around week 8.