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    YK11 Facts and Explanation: A new video by The SARMS Expert

    Pct required for yk11? Yk11 better for mass gaining, cut or eating at maintenance?
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    First cycle test e

    Besides bloodwork, how do you actually know if you should reduce AI dosage on cycle?
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    Recomp Cycle and Diet Plan

    great thanks!!! hopefully, i dont lose the gains.
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    Recomp Cycle and Diet Plan

    Hi all Im ending my cycle now and have seen some lean gains almost 2kg but maintaining my fat percentage at 14ish. Am gonna do a cut after this. In so, should I do my cut during pct?
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    Pharmalady Specials Request

    A cutting combo! GW, SR9009 from GA!
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    Pharmalady New Sarms Product

    yea sounds good! im ending my cycle in 1 month's time! gonna do some cutting! this is good news
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    Pharmalady Specials Request

    Yea currently more oral sarms specials will be great! It is a sarms forum anyway! Having pct combo specials or natural test boosters will be good too!
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    Pharma Lady TD

    I know right. I'm Blardy impressed with the packaging efforts. Glad it came! Gonna start my cycle next Monday! Gonna take my measurements this weekend. Separately bro, Cbbram I emailed you with a query.
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    Pharma Lady TD

    I had a small box received on my table this morning. Was rushing to work so I didn't see the contents but I'm sure that it's the TD of my loot! Shook it to hear pills ringing inside the box. Today it's the 14th day from payment. So yea what bro cbrram said was right. Just hit the gym and quit...
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    Pharma Lady TD

    Im based in Asia so i am hoping that i get my stuff slightly faster than those based within continent. hahaha But yea, just back from the gym!
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    Pharma Lady TD

    Just only about a full week for me!
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    Pharma Lady TD

    Glad to hear this. I'm eagerly awaiting my stash too coming 1 week too!
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    Not trying to be funny but these man vitamins useful? Never used them before or are they used increase t levels?
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    Pharma Lady SARMs TD!

    Haha Ikr. I just paid yesterday but I think my location is nearer to the source than you guys in the states. Hopefully I get it within a week. Heh
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    Pharma Lady SARMs TD!

    lol thanks bros! waiting for my shipment !
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    Pharma Lady SARMs TD!

    whats a TD?
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    PCT info

    actually, if i may ask, how do you feel the 'suppression'?
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    Newbie help - MK-2866

    Actually if you had read up a little bit, the reccomended dosage is 25mg a day and for a period of 12 weeks. 12.5mg a day and 8weeks seems to be cutting your cycle short and wasting precious $$. Yes, according to the local residents here, PCT is a must.
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    Recomp Cycle and Diet Plan

    Yea thanks Dylan!! I was originally about to embark on the bulking cycle of RAD 140, LGD 4033 and MK-677. Followed by a PCT of GW-501516 and Clomid 50. Thought this might be better for a first try. Separately, a test booster required for PCT?
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    Specific source request

    well said. Im about to start my first cycle and i've seen many other dubious sources but so far, what this forum provides the much needed assurance for a first timer like me.
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