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  1. M

    FIRST CYCLE EVER! Excited! needs advice!

    Hey Dylan, To gain as much size as possible (don't care how long, I want to be as safe as possible) hopefully to heal my "golfers elbow" pain as well. Safest cycle with modest gains with no time frame. Thanks!
  2. M

    FIRST CYCLE EVER! Excited! needs advice!

    Thanks Dylan and EZ E I am defiantly working on eating more while food. More eggs, zucchini pasta and other more whole carbs and some cleaner fats aswell they have this pea protein "fake meat" Pretty clean I'll start adding that as a protein...
  3. M

    FIRST CYCLE EVER! Excited! needs advice!

    Thanks @olderbro No to the fish. But adding more eggs and cheese it not a problem at all. I can def eat more. I don't mind. As you guys can see I added 50-60 lbs on muscle on my skinny frame. Now everything the more weight I do add only goes to my stomach lol This is why I need a boost. Like...
  4. M

    FIRST CYCLE EVER! Excited! needs advice!

    Forgot to mention. I started lifting 7 years ago. Started at 125, I was a tall skinny loser.
  5. M

    FIRST CYCLE EVER! Excited! needs advice!

    For a few reasons, just caring for Animals. Knowing how most meat with animals raised in cages with hormones being pumped in. Just a life decision. I know a lot of jacked vegetarian and vegan gents. Iv only stated this about 2 years ago. But that's another story.
  6. M

    FIRST CYCLE EVER! Excited! needs advice!

    Thanks guys. I understand. My diet is like this. No meat for protein due to animal BS, and some religious beliefs. just eggs, ISO, beans etc Meal 1 First thing In the morning. Shake if steel cut oats, scoop of whey ISO, almond butter, coco nibs and chia seeds. Multi vitamin, 2 fish oils...
  7. M

    FIRST CYCLE EVER! Excited! needs advice!

    Yes guys I know it seems like that. My diet is decent. Yes I did 2 blood test with my doctor in Canada and it's been in the "low normal" range I really think it's due to the low test. I used to weigh 185 lbs, but I never got back to the weight due to an illness. My low weight is always due to...
  8. M

    FIRST CYCLE EVER! Excited! needs advice!

    I'm very happy I found this forum. Read a lot about sarms and I am very stoked to start. I have 2 other buddies who want to cycle the same stuff so we can compare results. I'm really just looking for the safest sarm, with the least amount of sides. I don't care how slow gains come. I just want...
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