Black Widow is a UGL. This isnt source talk but could be a mistake on their end like a typo. Reach out to them, maybe they will replace. I wouldnt take it though
those are also the guys that are saying anything less then a gram of tren is worthless. gotta take it with a grain of salt. 3G per pound is going to be hard on your kidneys, trust me. That's why i like isarms better, the guys here actually care about their health and longevity
my skin looks flushed if my RBC gets high, like a reddish color to my face and skin but nothing to report on actual skin color, i certainly do not look more tan
Same here BUN was 34 which doc thought was from high protein. Outside of that hell no, i eat a very healthy split now between protein,carbs and fats. 3G is absurd! 1G is plenty!
everyone has said it right, cheat MEAL not DAY. And honestly, when cutting i only do it if look flat or feel like i need it. If your very serious about it you dont need a cheat meal, just eat more of what you do initally. so instead of 1 cup of rice in the morning do 2 or 3.
Okay cool thanks guys. Always so many topics and questions when it comes to AAS in general. Not sure what the worst is they would do if they saw I didn’t have a script, maybe just dispose it
Ohhh okay gotcha. Just asked my doc, he said domestically you should be fine, says he’s done it no issue. Said just international flights is where you need a prescription for sure. I’ll certainly consider the double dosing
I feel like this could be labeled a stupid post but lately ive been having to travel for work more often. On cycle i pin twice a week but on TRT i only pin once a week. Currently im on cycle and i travel monday through friday so basically ill only need to travel with 1 syringe. My doc for...
You need test since you will be shut down. Clen works well from my experience but it comes with plenty of shitty side effects. GW if you want to avoid sides
i can cut on my trt dose of 200 without losing muscle. i wouldnt use 500mg personally do not like the water retention but you can really cut on anything
So you cycled 400mg of test for two years and now want to come off or you were on 400mg of test as a TRT protocol which to mention is incredibly high in that case...
Depends, I mean your life is in your hands so do what you want just understand that there could be consequences down the road. But me personally, if I was getting paid a ton would I do it? Personally yeah probably. To win a trophy? Fuck no