Re: RE: Re: LGD
Yeah if I had to drive anymore than 20 minutes during the night I wouldn't of even ramped it up. But I only drive a maximum of 10 if that every now and then. Mostly out in the country and the roads are basically dead. Yeah I mean my max bench was 245 before I started it. Tested...
If the sides are too much I'm going to take a week off and then go back to 50mg but right now I don't think I will do that. The strength gains are so intense I don't think I'd be able to give it up...the sides shouldn't affect me like others simply because I just work and go to school at the...
Re: RE: Re: LGD
Yeah I already love S4. I think I'm one of the lucky people that can handle the 100mg because I'm at 75mg right now and only see a little bit of a yellow tint. Definitely going to have it on my cutting cycle after this bulk.
So I am currently running S4 and LGD and today will be my 4th day on LGD and 9th day on S4. The S4 kicked in like on day 3 and have seen the strength results since then. When should I expect the LGD to kick in and what should I be looking for?
I was just going to use mk 2866 during my PCT but maybe I'll have to incorporate it now...I've been increasing my pressing volume which gives me great gains but the tendonitis cuts it short.
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So lately I have been getting more and more compliments about how I look. Its funny because whenever I look at myself in the mirror I feel like I don't even look like I lift. Does anyone else ever have this problem? How do I fix this...
Did you guys hear about how he recorded his grandfather having a heart attack and was going to put it on YouTube? The kid is mentally ill....
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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: What's my body fat?
Ever since my knee surgeries my legs have been my weak point :/
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: getting past the tast of sarms
Oh wonderful....when I start up my log this fall you guys will have to bare with me during the beginning with all the complaining about the taste :D
Are the sarms mixed with everclear? I just turned 21 not too long ago and had a Shit experience with everclear lmao :D might have to chase it with some juice mixed with tears from the memories :mrgreen: