Woke up today at 167 pounds [emoji16] it's been a little over two weeks and my morning weight has gone up by 7 pounds which is just crazy to think about. Just got done doing some legs. Did two sets of front squats with 185 pounds for 10 reps each set and hen went to high bar back squats and did...
Haha that's what I am thinking. Still could be a valid idea. Maybe it's a sign of high testosterone whether it be from AAS or just naturally high?
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Well I have basically gotten rid of my sinus infection finally and gained the weight that I lost plus extra. I'll post some pictures later but I just got done with my workout and it felt great! Pump was amazing thanks to the good old s4. Already starting to look leaner and seeing glimpses of...
Yeah but at least it was in the beginning! Definitely would rather have it then then in the middle of it when things are getting good [emoji28]
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Day 9: FINALLY HAVE ENERGY. Woke up and felt like crap but around 8:00 the pressure from my nose just started to ease up (obviously causes me to blow my nose like a mad man) but it has reduced so much today that I was able to go to the gym. I pumped myself up and did some heavy deadlifts and...
Another PR....last one was a few days ago and he jumped up 10 pounds...
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Day 7: Still sick but I tried to get some kind of workout in...worked with 3 sets of 10 with 60% for my compound movements and I was just too exhausted to do anything else...weight moved slow and I just felt sluggish. I really hope in the next few days I start to get more energy soon. Until then...
Haha I was a little confused about your first sentence at first but I got the idea [emoji23] I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I feel something coming up.
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Yeah man you are probably going to catch it sadly...just try to catch it as early as possible so it doesn't manifest into something that takes forever to get rid of. That sounds like it would be awful to deal with.
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Haha yeah they're awful! Makes you think about the times when you could actually breathe normal and how you won't take it for granted ever again [emoji23]
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Mark bell is such a great guy. Definitely someone who is pushing the sport of powerlifting to be better. His YouTube channel is great too. Brings a lot of top level powerlifters to train and get their side of training.
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Yeah I've had a few of my co workers get the flu. I've always had sinus problems that generally lead to me getting ear infections as well. Tis the season for this shit to go around. Especially if you're from the Midwest and the weather is absolute shit. Apparently there's suppose to be a huge...
Saw this on my timeline today. Figured you guys would enjoy it if you haven't seen it yet.
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