I've been goin about it all wrong. I thought laterals were better for your shoulder development but I'm glad I asked because all you guys have said presses. So that's my focus now
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I do the same on my heavy days because I don't have a partner to train with but never thought about the shoulder presses. Def gonna try it out
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I'll have to save this for a shoulders only day. I've been supersetting for a while now with cardio before to keep dropping weight. But that's definitely a good shoulder day routine, thanks man!
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Hell yes I have. I would love to have delts like yours, although your 30" arms make them look smaller than they are. I know with lower body fat they will show more as well so I'll just keep at it and constantly switch up my routines
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That's true man. Gotta rest them up. I always go extra heavy on shoulder day and usually hit them with 5 different exercises. It's just a goal of mine to have massive shoulders
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What's some good exercises to grow shoulders and get that cannon ball look. I've been doin a finisher set at the end of every workout of side laterals two sets burnouts and some rear delts 2 sets burnout. Is this a good idea or just stick to shoulders 1 or 2 times a week
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I was just giving an example but all I've heard here is the 250. And most of the time it's one shit every two weeks. But I'm sure 200 is prob the norm.
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Just some knowledge for you but when you talk about dosages the 1 ml doesn't tell us much. It's gotta be the milligrams like my doc put me on test cyp 250mg every week. That means 1 ml = 250mgs. Unless it's a higher mg test but most doctors give 250mg/2 weeks or 100mg/week. On an average...
Not good man. Your still to young for a cycle. Give yourself a few more years at least of hard training and a good diet and you will get results you want. Don't mess yourself up because of wanting gains fast
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Shout out to Titan for his quick delivery and awesome service and my boy sdbronco for his help in setting me up! Much appreciated guys. The stockpile is growing
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