I figured you did man that video was shit he talked about change a deca dose after only three weeks completed garbage
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Brother did you watch a rich piana video that was always his theory that as you keep it the same the body gets used to the dose and you need to change it up . That's just straight bro science . As you take these compounds they are still climbing up the ladder to there base line that's why in...
When you going to throw up a few progress pics brother . You usually pretty lean as well so the progression should be great
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I should rephrase that when I say it works great . Mean I really don't know if I'm prolactin sensitive when it comes to deca but I ran deca at 500 a week and caber eod and my arimedix every day because I'm estrogen prone but when using it my prolactin level never moved from my pre cycle bloods...
I just wish most people that didn't use aas would realize that it's just a cherry on top to hard ass work and cleans up your already good body and makes you more crisp
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How about diet train heavy have clean good form and stick it out five years eat your ass off . Then maybe a cycle five years to come close to maxing out your natty status brother .
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Bro you kind of remind me of some road blocks I have had with loosing body fat . With me carbs kill me even when there not crazy but I know when I stick it out and make my body learn the low to no carb training I start to loose body fat it's not easy I just keep the protein high and lots of...
If it was me this be my lay out cause this is my favorite cycle .
Deca gains are clean and dry if ran right I feel if your diet is good . Plus if you keep your estrogen very in check you get very clean mass . The amount you think your going to get out of this I don't think is realistic. I feel...