Mk677 is pretty expensive for the most part to run unless you have a friend that's brews it . So over if weight loss is the goal your better off running sarms
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Bro that training style is very different kicked my ass . But to me lifting fairly heavy is what I like the more classic 70s stuff very basic
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Body fat is very low for the most part push the calories more put some muscle and be afraid of the the added fat then diet that back down after the high consistency in calories and train heavy
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Are your sure your ai dose isn't messing with you I know when I ran mine to high learning it made me feel like shit .
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Brother even with all those compounds your not going to get what you are thinking out of it . Your body will only pack so much till it gets tired with gains . Climb slow
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Bro if you really don't want size . Why even run gear ? Sometimes I feel people really don't understand how hard it is to but some really put size on . With that being said why not just run mk677 is will do all you want it to do if your really at 11% better off just staying natty brother ...
I would say you got that idea from nicks strength in power video saying he wasn't sure of sarms and they could cause cancer and have not been studied long enough . No truth to that brother .
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Sounds to me like your just looking to pull from anything to do this cycle anyway brother ?? Do I hear this right ? Let's be honest with your self and I really think you need to study way more .
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Brother you shouldn't have a next time for awhile you didn't do it right and it's very clear your not ready for gear you need to learn more to do things right and safe brother . Start with get blood work done then pct from there
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She was right rich inspired many people and he really was positive about anything in his life good or bad he always said find the positive in a bad situation .
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I been trust really staying on diet year round and getting ready to do another cycle and really want to get the most out of it .
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