There is a girl waiting to use the bench you just finished your last set .... You grab a disinfectant wipe and say hold on lil mamma let me wipe off your seat . Then vigorously wipe your face and mouth off and say allll ready
Don't get off topic guys your ramped up with test your sex drive is about to explode she comes in with the tightest yoga pants you've ever seen go
Or vicevirsa ladies what is a big turnoff in the gym that guys do ?
Alright guys we've all been there we are just crushing the weights she's on the treadmill she walks over to the Dumbbells starts doing some sorta lunge bicep something workout what do you say ? I'm usually like can you please get out of my mirror trying to see these gainzzzz hahah... No but for...
Listen to robo my son for once you journey down this road there is no turning back .... I was once a mortal I'm a creature of the dark world who can never return
I drink coffee all day I been in the army 10 years without it I'd be .... Well I dunno but what I will say I do not drink energy drinks there is so much bullshit in them in the beginning of my career I was up to like 5 red bulls a day I was like wtf how much money am I spending a month when...
I do what I do cause fuck average joe , and fuck the kid with perfect genetics , and fuck that girl who made me look fucking stupid and algebra class I don't care what you say bitch that's a goddamn letter in the math problem