You do the pins however you like, and change it whenever/however. Actually it is not mandatory to pin more than once in one week when using the long chains. Many guys only pin once per week. The twice per week is a preference that people discover on their own.
The sarms...sure...anyway you like.
I didn't completely answer the question in regards to the test mgs.I would use the mgs of test that you like best, and then add it to the combo. It would make sense to do 200mgs tren+200mgs deca, and then match the 400mgs nandros with the same amount of test. So 400 test/200 tren/200 deca'
It is a rather complicated issue, and you need to do some self being your own lab rat. Here are some guidelines. First total nandros.Add your mgs of deca,npp and tren together. That number is highly personal as to side effects.usually it is 400-500 max that you can run side free. of...
whoa bro. You need to get some of the fat off before running a cycle...and when you do run a cycle you do not need that much test, and certainly not that much deca.AND if you add tren that is about 300mgs/week +deca @600mgs/week=900mgs week will most certainly be screwing yourself up
thats perfect for a contest. For just getting stronger and regrouping though it is best to just stay simple.Long chains rule in the long run.For the average non competing guy a cycle of test/deca and eq is awesome
That is why I mentioned that I did the same cycle with no eq at all and it was really good. Keep the eq where it is just in case you opt out of the tren, then go up on eq if you want. I really don't think you will have any problem with it like it is. You did your homework and you settled on...
At his age he needs the 200mg deca for a cycle, and enough tren for the strength and fat partition effects. I think he is spot on, knowing that for me 500mg max nandros will work with no sides, so I always stay at 400mg to be safe.
After Buen runs this cycle he will know where to go from...
That is pretty much so.I proved that right at the time they said it was eggs that were at fault.In the fast food,processed food industry they employ people with degrees in food psychology. These folks spend all day deciding what to put into fast food to make it addictive, appetizing, long shelf...
WTF? You already look like my younger And what kind of rat shit shows us all that primo for the summer? Your cycle looks like one I did a while back so I got out my trusty notes, and I was 64 years old and it was the first time I had used tren in a long while. I decided to go...
yeah bro...don't get too far ahead of yourself. Right now stay in the present one day at a time. It is going to be many months before you are ready for a cycle. This gives you a goal to look forward to, but don't overly focus on it. When the time comes we will set you up, and it will probably...
oh hell yeah...that is a great pain to have. Well you are on your way. Go for it, no nothing allowed to get in your way. Any problems,questions,concerns, ..we are here.
I hate to bore my young bros with medical science, but sometimes it is needed.As I stated before those who die of anorexia have the cleanest arteries around.There are many other factors involved with ldl and hdl than we are led to believe. There are other markers that are more predictive.I wrote...
I never did buy nto any of it. It did sell lots of drugs and did make big pharm very wealthy. The choles is produced in the liver and we now know that it has nothing to do with eating choles. The drugs force the liver to operate in anaother way than what it wants to do.This is not good to try...
I know that you younguns just love to hear the old man ramble, and I saw that Zeke revealed that I was really Hercules. He forgot to mention that he and jake were scared shitless of me for almost a whole week after seeing me bend the horseshoes, the iron bar and the gun. LMAO everytime I hear...
gw kicked his ass alright.He thought he could workout for the next 6 years without a Happy to report he looks and feels great.His cardio has fully returned.He was on too much tren IMO, but I think the root of his cardio loss was dehydration and overtraining.