Yeah I'm not wanting to have to log my ID just to buy from pharmacy DEA watches that here very close if you buy more than three boxes of sinus meds in a month you get a visit by them claiming you are making meth I don't need that trouble
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I need to get me some was having to use 25 mg Pfizer Ed even switched to vermodji and it done the same will be purchasing me some next week to see if it works better than what I've got
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Drinking 3 cups a day of brew able green tea causing hepatitis in a three month time is a stretch they already had liver issues plus I find it hard to believe that. Most research on herbals is biased big pharma makes sure of it
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I got a weeks worth of samples from lockout supplements it was ok I just don't use much pre workout sups the green apple tasted good though
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I use powder city and buy all those things and its much cheaper. Only thing is you have to mix it with something and the tuduca is hard to chock down
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In a sense each time you shut your system down with each cycle you are creating a possible addiction due to the body not being able to produce as it did before hence trt and rec drugs do the same thing by producing excess chemicals in the brain that the brain does not produce in the amount drugs...