It takes a 2-3 weeks to reach peak levels. I personally didn't really "feel" test. The main thing I noticed was that I was able to workout harder for longer and recover faster. Better workouts in general make me feel better so I guess in a way it increased my mood. As far as libido goes, I...
I used to sweat a good amount before I took test then I ran a test cycle and that took it to another level. I swear it changed something in me. It seems like once I hit a certain temp from exercise my body literally opens the flood gates. Had pretty bad acne on my shoulders/back even off...
I cant help myself, Im not even on my 3rd but I basically have a rough idea on what I want to run for my 4th cycle as far as compounds and dosages go. Rick is right tho, better to see where you're at at the end of PCT and re-assess
I like the idea. Weak abductors are probably a contributing factor for me. Always been hesitant to get on the "bad girl" machine but Ill give it a shot
Yeah, shoulder width maybe slightly closer toes straight on leg press/hack squats feels best. Ive done knee extensions with toes pointed in but I feel like that torques the knee a bit so I keep that real light as a warm up or finisher. I guess its just something I need to focus on more and...
Anyone have any tips on feeling the upper outer portion of the quad (near the hip). My vastus medialis is dominant over my lateralis so I tend to feel most movements around the inside portion of my knee. Even while wearing shoes with a lifted heel, I mainly feel squats in my upper hams/glutes...
Congrats on the weight loss.. great to see. 60lbs in 6 months is pretty extreme so I wouldnt try to "boost your progression speed" at this point. If the high fat/pro keto style diet is working stick to that for the most part.. maybe mix in carbs pre/post workout and see how you respond. Id...
It claims its high molecular weight (50x higher than maltodextrin) allows for faster absorption. 65 American dollars for like 6 weeks worth seems like a rip. Karbolyn is a mix with slow digesting carbs which kind of turns me off although who knows how much of a difference there really is.
Walker is primarily referring to the average person and how much sleep is required for optimal brain function. Not bodybuilding specifically but you would think they kind of go hand in hand. The percentage that have the gene is a fraction of 1% so odds are you need 7 according to science...
Anyone have experience with this? Im trying to only use carbs to fuel workouts and aid in recovery so this fast digesting product seems ideal. Does anyone have experience using this stuff? Alternatives?
Listen to Joe Rogan's podcast #1109 with Mathew Walker who is a neuroscientist who studies sleep. Very informative and all the info you'll ever need on sleep. He says 7 minimum although a very small percentage of the population have a gene that allows them to get away with slightly less.
I went thru this with 300mg test E my first cycle. It took me some time to find the right spot on the glute consistently. The first couple times you hit a virgin muscle will cause some discomfort. Id hit delts with 25 gauge 1in to give the glutes a break