Cardio isn't really a focus of mine so I may not be the best person to ask. Im mostly going off my weight training experience/ability to recover between sets. I hit the track once a week to run a mile and do sprints and I manage. If you are just doing these triathlons for fun I dont see why...
Running tren at 350-400ish and prop at 250 and I have not noticed any change in cardio (if anything I have more drive to push myself). Im not running marathons or anything so that may be a different story. I seem to respond well to tren or at least this batch because my sides are minimal...
Been on 250 prop 350 ace for 4 weeks and yeah I love tren. Thinking I might add Mast prop for the last 4-6 so I'm looking for dosage suggestions (thinking 500ish). Is 4 weeks enough? Should I bump test to 350 to offset the anti-estrogenic effects of Mast? Any suggestions appreciated
About 4 weeks in:
I never wanted to be the guy that looks like he juices but im pretty much there. Ive always had good muscle separation and shape in my upper body but everything is rounder and fuller with crazy vascularity. Muscle contractions have been INTENSE. The weird thing is that im...
I dislocated the same shoulder twice so I can relate. You will have to adapt your training depending on how the shoulder feels at different angles (I still cant do pullups). I had to do leg press and hack squats for a while because I couldn't bend my arm to hold a bar on my back to squat for...
If it's your first run with tren definitely go ace. Currently on prop 250 ace 350 and do not see the need to stack anything else with it. Not a fan of orals
Id back off the aromasin a bit. Im currently 3 weeks in on 50 tren 35 prop ed no aromasin and energy has been high despite lackluster sleep. SARMs other than GW with tren seems a bit overkill.. too many variables imo
20 days in update:
Took a little time off to celebrate at the beach but back at it. Starting to notice changes, mainly a fuller upper chest and the separation of the chest from the delt. Obliques/midsection is tighter even tho my diet hasn't been optimal. Aggression with weights is...