I've actually had this happen once but it was mild and it went away after no more than an hour. At the end of a workout my forearm was kind of itchy it looked exactly like you are describing. It must've been some weird reaction to ace or caber. I didn't think much of this because it went away...
I went thru something similar after my tren cycle. I tapered up to 350 prop 700 ace (two weeks at this dosage) then dropped the ace and continued prop at 350. 3 days after dropping the tren I didnt sleep for 2 days and I was more irritable than I was on cycle. I plan to taper off in the...
i used to love pre workout but it doesn't have the same effect on me anymore. Ill take some on weekends when i workout in the morning or afternoon for a lil boost. I like Total War by Redcon1 because its not too stimulating so half a scoop is ideal if you're just looking to get the blood...
If you've been lifting to "maintain strength" yet want to get bigger you clearly need to re-evaluate what you're doing. IMO you should not be cutting if you dont have muscle. If you get your diet in check and lift seriously you will make gains
iso-lateral movements.. rotating single arm bent over lateral raises superset with single arm rear delt rows.. high reps until you have the mind muscle connection down then start going heavier and do drop sets
4 years really isn't a lot of training experience especially considering you've already ran a cycle. You would most likely be better off bulking without cycling but that's just my opinion
Luckily I didn't experience any of the mental sides/aggression even at 700 for two weeks. I was a little self centered but that was about it. Im thinking the low test dose and ed pins helped in that respect. Tren did fuck up my digestion and I was constipated and felt bloated a lot even tho I...
300 deca is enough to see results. I started 300 test 300 deca then bumped test to 600 after 6 weeks, but that gave me crazy lower back pumps, so I'd try to get away with as little test as possible (50/50 ratio minimum).
You have to get the solid white albacore tuna in water (bumblebee is my preference).. I got the chunk light once by accident and that shit is way diff/disgusting.. I use mayo, never heard of adding relish, but a lil pro sounds interesting
As you become more experienced this is what you learn. I keep powder just for the convenience factor (throw some in my oatmeal or have a shake at work) but I dont even take it after workouts.
NY Giants
Maryland/Big 10
NFL and college basketball are the bulk of what I follow. The occasional big college football game is exciting but most of the games are so sloppy
I feel like growth or MK couldnt hurt. Hamstrings vary depending on how close the tear is to a joint and rarely require surgery unless you tear it completely thru. Blood flow is the key to recovery so just work around it and stay active without overstressing the area