I'll let dylan tell you his recommendations but you should run it for 12 weeks to get best results. Also which mk? Mk677 should be run minimum 6 months. Mk2866 12 weeks. And yes you need a pct.
Also up the gw to 25mg and you can get all legit sarms from sarms.forsale
Was originally going to post this tomorrow but decided to do it today. So first dose of osta is in the system as well as GW and have to say after i did my workout and got some food in me I had this overall sense of well being. Felt like the calming effect CBD oil gives me but I haven't had any...
So quick update before I take my first dose tonight. My schedule is different then most, my mondays always start sunday night since i work all night and into the morning. So that means theres about 13 hours before I start and I'm beyond excited.
Now lets talk about my goals for this. I'm doing...
I bought this thing called the X3 bar and there amazing resistance bands. Biggest one can simulate 300 pounds doing chest press. I can't even move that band for one rep yet. But I will get there.
Starting on Monday March 23rd I will be running my first ever SARMS cycle. I've ran GW in the past but since its not a sarm, it doesn't count! This isn't sponsored by sarms.forsale. I have bought all products and it will be 100% unbiased on how I feel and progress.
Overall goals for this 3...
Never used narrow labs but proven peptides is a horrible company. I used there cardarine and sr9009 for a week and had liver toxicity and borderline kidney failure. I'd send everything back and get sarms.forsale products. When esarms was the sponsor i got nothing but legit cardarine. I'd trust...
Thats the main reason I decided against using mk677. Diabetes is common among my family and I didn't want anything making me insulin resistant. Apparently cardarine can decrease this resistance maybe worth adding in to help control it with a good diet.
Another quick update on this log.
I started my second cycle of cardarine from esarms and I made some changes that have seen huge results. Paired with exercise 6 days a week, i switched over to one meal a day since my goal is weight loss. From my last cycle I did put weight back on sadly but...
I need to brag on this company for just a second. I went an ordered my second cycle of cardarine on Wednesday morning. A quick overview of the website and I'm thinking ok early next week I should get it in and I'll be able to start again. Wednesday night I get my approved email for the order...
So Blackstone Labs has apparently created a "kit" to help with IGF-1 and GH production. They claim its real IGF-1 and a GH mimic. I'm not saying to buy it but maybe the more rounded professionals could tell if its legit or just snake oil. Any thoughts on real or fake...