So I did a whole recomp and was pretty stoked with the results. I won't be making it to the show I wanted to go to, due to military life sending me out of state the same day as the show. So instead of this being a set back I'm looking to set up and tweak my bulk cycle now and start it in the new...
My diet started off around 4,000 to 6,000 calories a day based on the day. I had 2 low cal days, 3 med cal days, then 2high cal days. Then when I started cutting I dropped to about 2000 cals a day except on my high carb days which only got me to maybe 2800 to 3000 cals a day. So low carb days...
So I started a log for my first ever steroid cycle, but got caught up with a family emergency in the midst of the log and never finished it. So I'm gonna post the results of the log here as well as what I ran.
Test E 350 mgs 1 to 12 wks
Aromasin 12.5 mgs eod
Standard PCT protocol (Clomid...