So.. I'm trying to learn here since its a pinning thread... with steroids... do you always have to go IM?... When you pin your glut .. don't you basiclly do a sub q injection? or do you always have to hit the muscle in the glut? Could you get away with a test shot using... say 29g 1/2 needle or...
... its absolutely no joke!.. just get some legit stuff... fell down some stairs.. er bill was 19K..anyway . really bad elbow injury... wasn't healing after 3 1/2 months... started tb 500 on Tuesday the 2nd and i have no pain with in 4 days bro.... wtf!.. not kidding
I would go with sarms for a few cycles.... get an understanding of the different compounds.. then go to AAS if needed... its a big learning curve bro... take your time... you should respond very well on your first couple of go's with sarms ..... if you never used PEDs before.....just my 2 cents
I did my first pin ever this week... I feel like i lost my virginity!! lol... seriously ... been one of those afraid of needle guys all my life. but I had no choice with an injury.. using tb 500.... And I have to say... kinda like it... now I did go big with a 31g 1/2 haha... plan on...
yea.. if you've been there before.... should come up pretty quick... keep us posted... a little ostentatious but good on ya...... when are you starting??... also out of curiosity.. will you do a dirty bulk and cut or move up with more precision??
got it.... sub q... sounds simple enough... so what size needles do you normally use for a shoulder pin?.... I was asking just out of curiosity.... into the shoulder muscle
Did a little research... going with a 27g 1/2 needle... lol... so I just pinch some skin and go for it.... this will be interesting.. but a must... would a 27 g 1/2 in needle work in the shoulder as well or do you need a thicker gauge like 23?
Hey Rick.. hope all is well.... yea... i fell down a flight of stairs about 3 months ago (battled a carolina wolf spider.. guess who won?? lol)... no breaks but blew out my right elbow..... anyway. staring to lift again but a lot of clicking and popping.. so I think i' going to have to take...
I haven't been on any sups for a bit (2 1/2 months or so).... i'm going to try the test boost Post PCT....... I'll let you know how I react... should be a good experiment... The Gemelli Gains!! lol
Official word is Rich had a heart attack... fell and hit his head.... lack of O2 to the brain causing brain damage (thats the reason for the induced coma) ... brain function slowly deteriorated until he Passed... RIP