You can but the hell you want too waste money on hydroxy cut relize its an overpriced caffeine pill total scam your missing money away on that garbage . over the counter fat burners suck there are a couple decent ones but you can't get them at GNC or Wal-Mart .
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
Sublinguel what the ??? Now I'm mind fucked that also.could be why it does nothing for you trial version maybe bioavailability is horrible
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
He is a great guy and I've talked too him about a lot of stuff so I know he is making quality you'll enjoy those . the stuff inside is just as good as those sexy as labels
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
If HCG did nothing because you are hypogonadal and your leydiv cells don't work why are you even worried about PCT when your obviously a candidate for hormone replacement therapy. Here is my suggestion before your cycle get bloods if your natural test is below 300ng just stay on like 150 mg a...
Why are you doing so much aerobic type training . lift lift lift then lift some more fuck all that cardio unless your in contest prep or an endurance athlete train too build muscle eat too be lean fuck cardio 20 min 3 times a week for cardiovascular benefit and that's it
Sent from my LG-H830...
Really test is trt do you need pct when you come off . yes bro the closer it is to testosterone the stronger the suppression if you take anything that binds too the androgen receptor and then stop taking it you need TRT . its lighter suppression and you will likely recover on your own but why...
Especailly with long acting peptides bro . of it was insulin and growth you could time it out and know the most optimal time .
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
iGF levels fluctuate bro you could have tested at the most optimal time then at the worst that is something very inconsisitant in pulses throughout the day
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
Definately if you bloods are up and down all over it will cause it. My buddy here was breaking out real bad recently came too me in the gym after some quick questioning found out he was pinning test prop twice a week . SMH
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
No its not a long as your on a 19nor take it and remember also the sides associated with prescribed doses we never see because for prolactin control so little is needed Drs have people taking 1 to 2mg daily we take .25 e3d its hardly anything
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
Alot of guys like too use .5 e3d for most that is too much I just had a prolactin gyno issue from really high dose tren .5 e3d knocked it out in 2 weeks and now I'm taking .25 e3d and its staying gone still close too a gram of tren
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
That dose of caved for 250 mg of NPP is perfect and no running your whole cycle is not an issue whoever told you this is misinformed
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk