You need to get leaner bulking at higher body fat is horrible . insulin sensitivity is shit estrogen is far too high you going too gainway more fat than muscle. Get lean first
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
Joh and 5/9 at 200 lbs and never used gear it most like your a lot higher than 12 percent body fat at that height and weight and 12 percent body fat you should have a pretty muscular build already
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
6 week cycle Yeah waste of time
And your nutrition still need help lots of protein supps not much talk of real food and it sound like you plan on bulking at we percent body fat that's a bad idea. Back to the drawing board Jr you ain't ready yet
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
And is dbol legal OMG you are what 16 . yes dbol is legal in south America several place in Europe and Thialand but here in the States no absolutely not it is a controlled substance
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
You don't want too start with the stonger stuff so you want dbol .
SMDH kid go home read a lot more go back and actually watch those videos turn off the music and listen too them .
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
A suspension doesn't dissolve when you shake its just too mix it. Some compounds are difficult too male solutions because they have a very high melting point and you use grain alcohol as a solvent but if you heat it too much the alcohol will evaporate and now volume has changed so there in a...
And tren suppressing appetite is something I've never experienced I actually can't stop eating makes me hungry as hell
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
So as an alternative to staving for two hours just get a GH kit and then insulin release has no effect on exogenous GH and you get too reap the IGF1 pulse .
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
Ok I'm gonna put it out there ghrp6 is a complete waste of money for appetite . yes it is a ghrelin mimetic and grehlin causes natural growth hormone release . here is the flaw no one thinks about . you use a Grehlin mimetic as a GH secretatouge and it increases hunger so you commense too eating...
# 1 yes needs test and stop using the word bulk .
#2 no no no and no one is going to answer this question like that come on bro.
# 3 stats first and experience( I'm assuming almost none)
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
Deca raws are cheap and usually always good quality wouldn't jump through any hoops too get Pharm Deca also organon Bayer have so many counterfeits floating around just get domestic Deca bro just as good save some money
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
However now we still have too deal with the masses of cognitively impaired who will read the tittal watch the video without any volume then post ridiculous stuff
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
I use a 1 in everywhere but I'm pretty lean . I seldom use my glutes anymore I get tren cough there easiest and my right glute has a lot of scar tissue . I pin my lats most of the time
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
I'm not really a sarms guy but I use GW and MK677 but actually sarms won't help me much being already on a heap of AAS
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk