This is only true until I found out what the hell there doing in Kuwait I'm and sleuthing as we speak I shall unveil the anabolic chicken give me time.
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Thats not true actually I prefer orals at the end myostatin builds up as the cycle goes along gradually increasing that anabolic environment as you go is much better . hitting it with everything at the beginning and then pulling back isn't logical old bro science methods need too die and kick...
Fats and fiber slow digestion you want those at sedentary periods . say bed time steak and asparagus . during work day moderate energy expenditure . then chicken brown rice and green beans .
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
And I would have an intra workout carb like branch cyclic dextrin and post workout meal should be simple carbs and fast digesting protien with very low fats . white fish and white rice and some apple cider vinegar too further speed digestion .
Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
They work for obeise sedentary fucks that have destroyed there insulin sensitivity and I use them for those clients but once a healthy weight is established and significant activity is there I end that shit . they don't work for athletes in my opinion and I have read all the BS studies hands on...
Lr3 has a long half life timing is errellevent however it shines in muscle growth Keto is more beneficial for rapid fat loss . so your going too be increasing an anabolic aid into a very unanabolic environment . and the pumps while your flat yeah I wouldn't waste your money finish your fat loss...
Lr3 has a long half life timing is errellevent however it shines in muscle growth Keto is more beneficial for rapid fat loss . so your going too be increasing an anabolic aid into a very unanabolic environment . and the pumps while your flat yeah I wouldn't waste your money finish your fat loss...
Its real simple if you look at it this way . the pituitary see excessive androgens levels its ceases production by reducing LH out put . after long period of heavy suppression the testies atrophy from unuse . the blast of LH ( hcg) gets them working faster but at a price the pituitary now sees...
No at that dose that short of a cycle I would recommend against HCG . HCG mimics LH stimulating the leydig cells too start working again and reduce atrophy however it has its one suppressive backfeed . That is not long enough too cause testicular atrophy making HCG not only not necessary but can...
European UGL resold by most of the big commercial guys ie Naps alinshop . If you have it is real wouldn't be trying too buy it though since same quality can be bought domestic for a fraction of the cost and TA will be much faster
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Your basically asking for a coach I know a few of them they charge roughly 200 a month 300 for contest prep . Ain't nobody writing cycles and diets free .
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I love sushi but as a cheat meal bro the rice has sugar and shit to make it sticky its not clean meal not really bad but lean bulking its a good post workout meal but for cutting stay away unless a refeed or cheat meal
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No you should there are a lot of positives and negatives . It is a life changing decision and you need too do a lot of research and understand the pros and cons and come too this decision on your own . I think your not ready yet and your friend is pushing you .
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Yes thin is correct if it is for Pre workout and only 2mg that is not regular tren its methyl tren usually an oral as toxic and as expensive as halotestin I would only use that on your days you want too go heavy or a week body part don't run it consistently
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90 percent of platues happen because of hard heads .2 times in your bodybuilding adventure you will get phenomenal results . Your first year in the gym and then your first cycle both of these periods your diet can be shit and training can consist of beating your head against the mirrior in the...
Is it has happened do not reuse that address I have ways too get new addresses if you need an alternate but PM me for info as the feds trolling this don't need to know my secrets
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